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Share the Lonelygirl15 experience with a friend.

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 9:13 am
by twjaniak
LG15 friends,

You have helped to make Lonelygirl15 the Internet phenomena that it has become. Fan interaction and participation was one of the goals that the LG15 creators had in mind when they first came up with the idea of Bree and her vblogs. Soon, the LG15 web site will features tools that will allow you to create your own characters and maintain your own story lines. Over time, your stories can even intersect and influence others, including those of Bree and Daniel.

We still need to get the word out though. LG15 is only just beginning. Now is the perfect time to introduce LG15 to your friends and family. One way of doing this is by linking LG15 videos into your own online content. Located at the bottom of the home page is the "Grab This Video" section. From here you can cut-and-paste code which you can use to embed LG15 videos into your MySpace profile or blogs, Livejournal, Blogger or any number of other social networking sites. There is even a simple link you can use in e-mail signatures. Lastly, for friends who may not have broadband Internet access, you can download complete videos and burn them onto CD.

We thank your for your support. With your help, we can make LG15 one of the greatest Internet phenomena ever seen. So please share the fun, excitement and mystery of Lonelygirl15 with your friends and family today!


The Staff at

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 11:07 am
by sovietkitsch
This is cool. I like the character aspect.

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 2:49 pm
by Cassies_Head
Cool, the creating your own character bit sounds great, should be interesting!

Re: Share the Lonelygirl15 experience with a friend.

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 6:34 am
by Languorous Lass
twjaniak wrote:. . . Soon, the LG15 web site will features tools that will allow you to create your own characters and maintain your own story lines. Over time, your stories can even intersect and influence others, including those of Bree and Daniel.
I hope this doesn't mean that we won't be getting any resolution to the current storyline anytime soon. That would be intensely frustrating.

Re: Share the Lonelygirl15 experience with a friend.

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 8:16 am
by DontHaveAClue
twjaniak wrote:So please share the fun, excitement and mystery of Lonelygirl15 with your friends and family today!
I'm NOT sharing Lonelygirl15 with anyone! Lonelygirl15 is mine. MINE! :twisted:

Re: Share the Lonelygirl15 experience with a friend.

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 6:50 pm
by lordgreystoke422
DontHaveAClue wrote:
twjaniak wrote:So please share the fun, excitement and mystery of Lonelygirl15 with your friends and family today!
I'm NOT sharing Lonelygirl15 with anyone! Lonelygirl15 is mine. MINE! :twisted:

Oh my...When Ms Kelly hears of this outburst you are surely going to end up in detention with me.