Scalare wrote:Okay, this might not mean anything, but it sure seems to.
"Take warning" is a song by "Operation Ivy".
Here are the lyrics, for those interested. ... arning.htm
Aphids are natural enemies of the Ivy plant. In fact, there's even an Ivy Aphid who preys on this plant..
I just read the lyrics. I think that was planned, not just a conicidence that there is a song called "Take warning" and it was by Operation Ivy. .. .wel obviously it was planned
Seems like a warning for OpAphid. She wanted us to find it. not brother... if what i'm thinking is correct at least.
It might not, now that I'm thinking about it. IN the video she seemed to be purposely showing us those cars that are similar to the one in "On The Run." Maybe she's been followed. Or she feels attacked.
here are the lyrics:
Operation Ivy - Take Warning Lyrics
Stand by your freinds, wrong or right
Can't call that justice when its just a stupid excuse to
Single out and attack the ones who got no defense
You call that a new way of thinking i call it regression to
Take warning
Theres a new generation coming
And we really gotta stand up to them
Nobodys got a thing against you
Unless youve got something to prove
We dont need no set of standards,
We dont need a new set of rules
Heard all that shit before
About stomping out any difference
We say stand together!
(not to fight just to exist)
Take warning
Intimidation coming
And we really gotta say no to them
Enough is enough is enough
Why dont you just ease up
I saw another beat down last nite take warning
Who's the next to hit the ground tonite take warni
reading what you said about Ivy and Aphid's, it almost seems like Tach is warning op...
she didn't want brother to find this I think.