Video of people in your hotel room

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random lurker
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Video of people in your hotel room

Post by random lurker »

Bree, have you already seen this?

Whoever did this is advertising the fact that she snuck in, for whatever reason. Note that, about 46 seconds into the video, she riffles through the pages of a magazine on the table. From what I can see, she didn't seem to be wearing gloves.

Can you slide the magazine into a plastic bag and save it? If, at some point, you and Daniel are in a place where you can trust the local officials, perhaps they can check for fingerprints. A long shot, but it's better than nothing, I think.

Good luck.
Lonely Fan
Posts: 147
Joined: Wed Sep 27, 2006 11:25 am

Post by Falls »

Bree, what are you hiding?
I'm a guy. Is that so hard for you people to get?

Paul x YER MOM = My OTP!
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