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the chat moan here
Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 10:03 pm
by trunbuns
right i'm not having a go at any of the admins involved but this didn't go well. I drank like 4 cups of coffee and am missing uni tommorow because of this chat and i just feel a little let down. surely there could of been a way we could have signed up for this or something?
It's now 3 am in england and i was in bree's house 1 at 1.20am i was told that we would get a link and that i should wait there. then i was told that wouldn't be happening which i fully respect= things go wrong.
but i was then told to stay put in 1 and that bree would be there shortly surely the ppl in 1 should have got the priority? we were there first! look, truly i apreciate all the effort put in by nonpaid over worked admin but i was told that they were anticipating 120 ppl!!! that was never going to be the case and the fact that there was about 300 ppl in 3 by the end and we had to sit there and watch it grow while we were left with nothing? I mean hyemew couldn't even get in and he's been here since the start!!!
I'm a massive fan and had prepared several questions...look at my prev posts i was really lookinhg fwd to this. i know the admins were doing there best and i truly feel sry for them as there going to get the brunt of this.
next time let them now a week in advance so they can sort some thing out.
PS there damn sure better be a transcript
Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 10:11 pm
by omegawoman
These things happen. Now the creators really know what a huge fan base they really have.
I didn't have a problem with the situation only that the admins were trying their best to maintain control, and no one was letting them. I felt so many people were rude and disrespectful. If everyone would have sat patiently, the admins would have been able to relay what was going on. For the people that wasted so much time whining that they didn't want a relay, you should have just left. That simple.
I enjoy the LG15 forums because of the friendly atmosphere of it all. For the most part the people there are friendly and polite and still allow others to voice opionions that they do not agree with. The attitudes in chat tonight almost spoiled that for me. Thank goodness most of the rudeness there were from names I do not recognize from the forums.
Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 10:16 pm
by UpbeatMarshWiggle
Definitely wasn't pretty. I had serious problems just getting to the site - I'm guessing their server was totally overwhelmed. It was a long time before I could even get to teh point where I could see the link to click on to actually get to the chat site.
I never did make it into the chat.
Yea, there needs to be a transcript - and some seriously better planning for the next time.
Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 10:16 pm
by trunbuns
yeh omega i truly sympathise wut the admins= not their fault. just a bit p'd that i didnt get a chance to get involved when i was there early was told i was in the right place and so forth
As for the rudeness i think we may have had some 11 yr old youtubers in there...
PS any chance of a general overview of what went on?
Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 10:18 pm
by Jenna
There will be a transcript. You wont know what name i was under on the chat, as i went in under another name, as I knew i would probably hurl abuse, and didnt want it to mark against my name. And in case you were wwondering, i didnt.
Now, I appreciate the admins had short notice when the chat was moved to userplane, but there's a few things I want to get off my chest.
Conflicting Stories
I was sent from Opaphid(Ii cant spell) by an admin and told the chat would be in 1....Getting in 1, an admin said the chat would be in 3. Getting in 3, an admin told me to move to 2. That meant that I ended up missing most of the chat. I think there was a lot of lack of communication between the madmins
Rude Admins
The admins around me were clearly stressed, but that doesn't give them the right to tell people to 'Get over it' as i was told several times. Me and several other people also kept asking how people were getting into the room as a 100 limited chatroom had 234 people in it at one point. These questions were ignored every time, and just given a generic 'We're doing the best we can' answer. That's not what we wanted to know - we wanted to know why this was happening, and I hope we will be told.
Lack of planning on part of chat software
Now, the people setting up the chat would've known when the chat video was going to be released. Surely they would've known when this so-called other chat software needed to be set up by. So why, 15 minutes before the chat, they suddenly realist it wont be in place in time?
And no-one seemed to understand why a lot of the British were annoyed. As said in this (or possibly another) thread, someone is missing uni tomorrow to go to this chat. Another has to get up for college in 4 hours, and I personally had been waiting up for 4 hours in the rooms waiting fto find out where to go. Yet still no-one seemed to care about this, and didn't understand the annoyance. I'm sorry if that sounds a little selfish, but it's the way I feel.
In the end, I was told that entering as a guest would get you into the room, so i managed to enjoy the end of the chat. But the chatroom 100 limit could've easily been raised, and I'm sure that the software itself has some sort of mute mode so that only some people can talk.
If i were to make a suggestion for another chat, I would suggest using something such as eRation, or IRC. The muting can be controlled well on one, and a lot of people can use the latter.
All in all, I think this was a bit of a mess, and any future attempts need a lot more planning before they are implemented.
(I apologise for any of my spelling mistakes, my computer is going slow because of the chat, so I don't have time to correct them)
Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 10:19 pm
by trainer101
Murphy's Law. Everything that could go wrong, did. That being said, it was still an entertaining first attempt. Kudos to the Creators for attempting to involve the fans.
Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 10:21 pm
by Enid
I never intended to go into the chat and I'm not surprised to hear about the rude behavior. But hey look on the bright side all the rudesters can't compete with the real fans.
Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 10:23 pm
by trunbuns
great post jenna thats mostly what i think
and i'm one of the ppl whos missing uni
Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 10:25 pm
by saralynn
Good thing I watched House MD instead.
Seriously? Missing school? I'd just read the transcripts, LG15 isn't gonna effect my GPA.
Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 10:26 pm
by Jenna
Enid wrote:I never intended to go into the chat and I'm not surprised to hear about the rude behavior. But hey look on the bright side all the rudesters can't compete with the real fans.
I have to disagree with this.
Just because someone is unhappy with what is happening, doesnt mean they are not a real fan (This is a sore subject with me, believe me
I am a massive, loyal fan of lonely girl15, and i was close to cursing over this. But just because i was, doesnt mean i'm not a real fan.
If you dont like one song your favourite band puts out, that doesnt mean you're not a real fan of something.
It just means you have an opinion. Same with this. Just because someone throws abuse when they cant get in their favourite characters chatroom, doesnt mean they're not a fan. It means they're so much of a fan, they cant bare to miss it.
Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 10:29 pm
by trainer101
Please keep in mind that the Creators did not intend to utilize Userplane for this session. They were attempting to use a new chat software on-site but did not get it up and running in time. Userplane is an independent off-site platform.
I'm sure the next attempt will be much more fluid (and moderated).
Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 10:44 pm
by breeislonely
the relay's were not making sense at all bc they were out of context so they were pointless anyways, i don't blame anything on the admins, i feel sorry for them bc this was sprung on them quickly and unfairly, i think the creaters or whoever made the decision to have a chat planned it poorly and owes everyone, especially the chat admins an apology, i'm confident it will be handled better the next time around, from the information i got nothing was really revealed in the chat anyways except more insite to the fact that jonas is cannon, there wasn't even a decision made on where bree is staying, unless i was told wrong bc i wasn't one of the 200+ in room3
also whoever came up with the figure of about 120 ppl being in the chat was obviously temporarily insane, a 4 year old could have came up with a better estiment
edit: also if they weren't intending to use userplane they could give ppl more then 1-2 days to work the bugs out of a new chatting system
Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 10:52 pm
by trainer101
I was in the chat and had the opportunity to speak with Bree directly. While it's true that there was no resolution (wait for the video), that really wasn't the idea. She stated in her most recent video that she wanted ideas, that's what we provided. I'm inclined to think she and Daniel will end up at Jonas' place. I'm also inclined to believe that Jonas is not what he seems (but we can discuss that in "Plot Discussion").
Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 10:53 pm
by agent_fondue
I had every intention of just watching the action, but it was so hard to even do that. It was so hectic and the feed so fast, that in itself was okay and not really a cause for complaint on my part being that I could just read the later release of the transript.
The problem that I had was it didnt seem Bree, Gemma, or Jonas had anything at all planned before hand. I had expected some sort of move forward in the plot and/or climax of the story and even with the rapid fire questions their answers left a lot to be desired.
Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 11:02 pm
by trunbuns
i think that next time we should just post quesytions in the bre chat section in one particular thread and just have her answer as many as possible so stuff doen't just get lost in the mire, either that or have a sign up thread were the first 59 ppl or so get to go in the chat or perhaps some system were we post questions the mods vet them and the best go throuigh and get answered.
And definately don't have her announce it on a youtube video...
PS sry about spelling but i went out for a few at the pub tonight and have battled through my drunkeness to stay up for this.... i'm definateley flagging now though it's 4 am over here