hello Bree

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Suspiciously Absent
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Joined: Mon Dec 04, 2006 8:16 pm

hello Bree

Post by soulvitamin »

Hi Bree, I only recently started watching your videos, as well as everyone else's. Daniel's editing and the music on the earlier videos is what hooked me. Very entertaining, I hope you guys continue to post.

Just to get it out of the way, I am a member of The Order. In fact, I work for them near Chicago. I was hired after graduating college. I've worked for them for almost ten years, so as you can probably guess, I'm a bit older than most who have been posting on this site.

My main function within The Order is to work with kids...kids who have lost their way and strayed. Sound familiar? I'm not posting to try and talk you into going back. That choice is yours. Just remember that there are always consequences for making poor decisions.

Your parents and those around you have given you the tools to make the right choice, now it's up to you. I don't plan on posting much, if at all anymore. I just want you to know that it's not to late for you to return to your old life.

Oh, and about Daniel...I like that boy. He could turn out to be a good member. Good luck Bree. I hope you do the right thing.
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