In Tachyons last communication with Brother she makes it a point to allude to all of Gemma’s videos.
Also, there is a list of OpAphid correspondence that Tachyon retrieved during a break-in at Op’s headquarters. Gemmers19 is on the list, confirming that she has had contact with OpAphid.
Here are some ideas being kicked around in the Op portion of the forums:
Aja wrote:So the "look familiar" is just Tach's way of saying, "Hey, remember her? We know that Gemma chick!"?
Nieriel.Manwathiel wrote:this is more irrefutable evidence that tachy and gemma ARE linked, though we dunno the specifics yet.
JuJu Bean wrote:I was just reviewing old videos of Gemma since I didn't really pay attention to her much back then. She has on an American Eagle sweater in An Awkward Silence....which is not sold in London as far as I know. Which she is supposely supposed to be in for Uni since she "wanted to branch off from things)..A clue that maybe Gemma isn't in London?
ixlr8 wrote:Tachyon wants Brother to take a good long look at Gemma's videos. Maybe there's something that Tachyon is trying to tell Brother about Gemma. I don't feel comfortable with making assumptions as to what that is, however, I'm sure we'll find out soon enough.
diastres wrote:In "It's Not Your Decision," Gemma mentions a boy Sam that she wasn't allowed to see anymore once her parents found out she had a crush. Perhaps Brother is Sam?
A lot of loose threads that need to be tied together. Start tying!sphinx wrote:It's a small world after all. It's a small world after all. It's a small world after all. It's a small small world.