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mIRC question

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 3:18 am
by who_is_friend
Alright, I added the FreeNode channel just as I was supposed to and I got this message:

Code: Select all

- *** Checking ident
- *** No identd (auth) response
Does anybody have any idea what I can do about this. I am by no means new to IRC (though I mostly use it to download legal gray area releated goods) and I've never encountered this in all my years.

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 4:51 am
by romanceismusic
No identd (auth) response
I believe this just means you are not identified to the services. after you are in the chat, simply type /msg nickserv identify <password>

refer to for help registering.

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 1:18 pm
by acidfingers
If you're using mIRC, you don't have your identd set up.

Go to Options -> Connect/Identd and then ensure "Enable Identd Server" is checked. Then enter a username into the username box (you can just use your nickname). It should automatically fill the System and Port boxes with UNIX and 113 respectively.

The other checkboxes you can just leave as default. I believe by default it checks "Show identd requests" and "Enable only when connecting" and leaves "Use ID from email address" unchecked.

Hope this helps.