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this may seem rediculous/dumb/whatever

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 2:03 am
by jadedexistence
Is it possible for me to begin participating in this ARG so late in the game?
I've read all of the FAQ and such and believe I have a grasp on how the whole experience works. I would love to be a part of this community and experience the lonelygirl story in a more in depth light....I just might need a little guidance....
Is anyone interested in helping me out a little bit?....I can definitely understand if many people are reluctant.....but I thought I would try..


Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 3:10 am
by tiltingwindward
Welcome to the madhouse! I'd be happy to help you out...feel free to PM me with any questions you have, or post them in this thread and more people than me can weigh in on them.

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 3:20 am
by jadedexistence
tiltingwindward wrote:Welcome to the madhouse! I'd be happy to help you out...feel free to PM me with any questions you have, or post them in this thread and more people than me can weigh in on them.
thank you so much....I think the thing that is confusing me the most right now is all these puzzles...and the complexity of them....and how I can become involved in helping solve these puzzles. Are they really that complex? I am definitely intelligent (weird for me to give myself a compliment)....but these things have left me completely perplexed.

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 4:34 am
by covedweller
Part of the puzzle can be figuring out the instructions.

That is what makes the ARG psuedo real to me. Real spies wouldn't be too explicit in telling each other how to break codes, etc.

But yeah, it's never too late. This story arc is probably ending soon (or is on the tail end with Christmas/New Years coming up), but that means a new one will probably be starting soon!

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 5:23 am
by jadedexistence
hopefully I will get the hang of it by then...

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 11:59 am
by romanceismusic
hi jaded and welcome! There are lots of ways to jump in on the puzzle solving. Keep a close watch on all the youtube profiles, and phone lines. If you see or hear a change, post it immediately, but double check that someone else hasnt made the same observation. Also, Keep an eye on the 'I in aphid' section. New puzzles and updates will be posted there. If you see a new puzzle, just jump in the thread and post what you solve/know. Also, feel free to utilize the IRC to help solve clues. Anyway, I hope I helped. If you have questions, don't be afraid to ask.

<3 Romy

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 12:33 pm
by Luv2Luvem
Welcome Lizz! We are more than happy to help you. Like Tilt said, you can PM us, or post a question in this section. And don't for a minute think that it is rediculous to jump in this late. We have every indication that this is going to be going on for quite a bit longer, therefore we still have much to do and can use all the manpower we can get! So jump right in, it looks like you have a little time between arcs to get nice and caught up. Look forward to working with you!

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 2:57 pm
by tiltingwindward
jadedexistence wrote:
tiltingwindward wrote:Welcome to the madhouse! I'd be happy to help you out...feel free to PM me with any questions you have, or post them in this thread and more people than me can weigh in on them.
thank you so much....I think the thing that is confusing me the most right now is all these puzzles...and the complexity of them....and how I can become involved in helping solve these puzzles. Are they really that complex? I am definitely intelligent (weird for me to give myself a compliment)....but these things have left me completely perplexed.
Remember that you're looking at a bunch of puzzles that have already been solved. It certainly is a lot of information to absorb, and the puzzles aren't easy, but we usually get the puzzles a piece at a time, and when there are 20 people working on a puzzle, it doesn't seem quite so hard (or, if it does, at least you know that there are 20 other people who are as confused as you are).

It does look like we're taking a holiday break (does this mean the Order celebrates Christmas? Or just that it respects people of different traditions?), so you'll have some time to get caught up. The best thing you can do is familiarize yourself with some of the ways the puzzles usually work (example: we frequently get clues that have to be decoded from Base 64 to hex, and sometimes ascii or binary), so that when the next story arc begins you're ready to jump in. Reading the puzzle recaps will help you understand the basic puzzle motifs.

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 3:23 pm
by Killthesmiley
i hate holiday breaks don't you?
makes things boring...

blah for sitting on the couch and waiting!

welcome to the ARG!!!!! it can be frustrating at times, but we generally have fun.

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 6:58 pm
by ladron121
jadedexistence wrote:
tiltingwindward wrote:Welcome to the madhouse! I'd be happy to help you out...feel free to PM me with any questions you have, or post them in this thread and more people than me can weigh in on them.
thank you so much....I think the thing that is confusing me the most right now is all these puzzles...and the complexity of them....and how I can become involved in helping solve these puzzles. Are they really that complex? I am definitely intelligent (weird for me to give myself a compliment)....but these things have left me completely perplexed.
Hi jaded, Lad here. Don't stress about the puzzles, the best way to see how they work is when we get a new one. Seeing it "in action" is usually the best way.

But personally, I leave the passwords and hex, dec, base64 stuff to the experts. I keep my contribution simple:

Me know music, me know movies, me go get stuff :)

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 7:09 pm
by jadedexistence
You guys are the best....I was so nervous to post something in the opaphid part of the forum....but you guys have made me feel totally comfortable. thank you. I can't wait to start contributing. I will definitely not hesitate to PM one of you if I need some help.
Thank you again for being so nice to a female n00b like me.


Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 3:30 am
by tiltingwindward
We're actually pretty friendly people, if you can get past the fact that we're, by-and-large, absolutely insane. And we're glad to have you!

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 11:25 am
by Killthesmiley
and if you don't mind the majority of us being total geeks and knowing too much random information...



Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 3:22 pm
by Ziola
ladron121 wrote: Me know music, me know movies, me go get stuff :)
Me here to look pretty.

I like shiny stuff.

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 3:26 pm
by Killthesmiley
Ziola wrote:
ladron121 wrote: Me know music, me know movies, me go get stuff :)
Me here to look pretty.

I like shiny stuff.
*sparkle sparkle*