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A few of your favorite things....
Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 11:29 pm
by cup o' noodles
What (who) is your favorite-
1. band?
2. song?
3. salad dressing?
4. animal?
5. colour?
6. book?
7. actor?
8. actress?
9. flavor of gum?
10. phone service?
11. album?
12. televison show?
13. movie?
14. candy?
15. beverage?
16. article of clothing?
17. video in the lonelygirl15 series?
18. character in the lonelygirl15 series? (canon or not)
19. smiley?
20. person on the lonelygirl15 forums?
Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 11:34 pm
by livelongandprosper77
raindrops on roses and mittens on kittens.
Re: A few of your favorite things....
Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 11:34 pm
by cup o' noodles
What (who) is your favorite-
1. band? blink 182
2. song? Adam's Song
3. salad dressing? red wine vinaigrette
4. animal? panda bear
5. colour? black
6. book? Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
7. actor? Johnny Depp and Bela Lugosi
8. actress? Christina Ricci
9. flavor of gum? Stride spearmint
10. phone service? verizon wireless
11. album? Take Off Your Pants And Jacket
12. televison show? Heroes
13. movie? The Wizard of Oz
14. candy? peppermint
15. beverage? Mountain Dew
16. article of clothing? knee high socks
17. video in the lonelygirl15 series? The Unthinkable Happened
18. character in the lonelygirl15 series? (canon or not) Bree
19. smiley?:smt031 It's the thread-jack-in-a-box!!!
20. person on the lonelygirl15 forums? There are FAR too many!!!!!
Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 11:35 pm
by cup o' noodles
livelongandprosper77 wrote:raindrops on roses and mittens on kittens.
lol, I know, I had to put the wording like that to satisfy my daily reference needs.
Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 11:36 pm
by livelongandprosper77
lol i couldn't resist putting that hehe let me think about that list for a bit.
Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 11:48 pm
by lonelyelendi
1. band - The Decemberists
2. song - Zoot Suit Riot
3. salad dressing - None
4. animal - Humans
5. colour - Pink
6. book - Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy
7. actor - RIcky Gervais
8. actress - Cate Blanchett
9. flavor of gum - Everest Mint Gum
10. phone service - What?
11. album - The Crane Wife
12. televison show - Scrubs, Family Guy, Firefly, Seinfeld, Curb Your Enthusiasm
13. movie - Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang
14. candy - Starburst
15. beverage - Stewart's Rootbeer
16. article of clothing - T-shirts
17. video in the lonelygirl15 series - Hmm...don't have one....
18. character in the lonelygirl15 series - Nikki Bower
19. smiley - ^^
20. person on the lonelygirl15 forums - hmmm...Cup O' Noodles!
Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 11:50 pm
by livelongandprosper77
What (who) is your favorite-
1. band? Weird Al Yankovic, well he is one man but anyways.
2. song? hard to say i got so many...
3. salad dressing? i hate salad dressing
4. animal? Klingon Targ
5. colour? blue/green
6. book? Tom Sawyer lol all i could think of.
7. actor? Patrick Stewart "Tea Earl Grey Hot."
8. actress? Jessica Lee Rose
9. flavor of gum? original bubble tape
10. phone service? i use tracfone
11. album? LOTR's or Star Wars OSTs
12. televison show? LOST, Heroes
13. movie? Star Wars Original Trilogy
14. candy? Reeses Peanut Butter Cups
15. beverage? Ginger Ale
16. article of clothing? Navy blue hooded sweatshirt
17. video in the lonelygirl15 series? Hmm i am kinda split between "Daniel Returns and More Interesting Factoids (Yay!) and "Grillz"
18. character in the lonelygirl15 series? (canon or not) The beautiful Bree
19. smiley -
20. person on the lonelygirl15 forums - i like lots of the lonelycrack addicts on here haha.
Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 11:51 pm
by cup o' noodles
lonelyelendi wrote:
12. televison show - Scrubs, Family Guy, Firefly, Seinfeld, Curb Your Enthusiasm
20. person on the lonelygirl15 forums - hmmm...Cup O' Noodles!
Sweet, I like most of those shows, too. I just got the new season of Family Guy on DVD for XMas. So funny!
Aw, thank you. *huggles*
Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 11:52 pm
by lonelyelendi
I just got Volume 1 of Family Guy, I have seasons 1-6 of Seinfeld, and 1-2 of Curb, season 2 of scrubs and the one and only season of Firefly...
Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 11:54 pm
by cup o' noodles
livelongandprosper77 wrote:What (who) is your favorite-
1. band? Weird Al Yankovic, well he is one man but anyways.
Weird Al is sooooooooooo awesome! I like that one Paradise, I think! At 4:30 in the morning I'm milking cows. Jebediah feeds the chickens and Jacob plows - FOOL!
Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 11:54 pm
by lonelyelendi
And I've been working and plowing so long that
Even Ezekial thinks that my mind is gone!
I'm a man of the land,
I'm into piety.
I got a bible in my hand and a beard on my chin.
Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 11:56 pm
by cup o' noodles
I'm the pious guy the little amlettes wanna be like.
On my knees day and night.
Scoring points for the afterlife!
Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 11:58 pm
by lonelyelendi
we've been spending most our lives living in an Amish Paradise,
I churn butter once or twice, living in an Amish Paradise,
It's hard work and sacrifice, living in an Amish Paradise,
We sell quilts at discount price, living in an Amish Paradise.
A local boy kicked me in the butt last week,
i just smiled at him, and I turned the other cheek.
I don't really care, in fact I wish him well,
cause I'll be laughing my head off when he's burning in Hell.
I ain't never punched a tourist even if he deserved it,
an Amish with a 'tude, you know that's unheard of.
I never wear buttons, but I got a cool hat,
and my homies agree i really look good in black, fool
If you come to visit, you'll be bored to tears,
we haven't even payed the phone bill in 300 years,
But we ain't really quaint, so please don't point and stare,
we're just technologically impaired.
there's no phone, no lights, no motorcars, not a single
like robonson Crusoe, it's as primitive as can be,
Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 12:00 am
by iamcool
lonelyelendi wrote:I just got Volume 1 of Family Guy
volume 1?
i got all 5
Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 12:00 am
by lonelyelendi
You would you british bastard!!!! hahahah, j/k josh! I want to get the rest...I just got that one though...