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Holly says....

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 9:39 pm
by GoodGollyItsHolly
It is ok to be sad, and it is ok to avoid the boys. It is ok to lock yourself in the bathroom and just be alone. All of that is perfectly ok. Its been two weeks, and it gets easier, in a few months. Just do whatever you need to do to feel better. What everyone else wants is irrelevant. It will get easier, you will feel normal again, I promise.


Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 10:15 pm
by Inigo
That's nice of you to say Holly.

Some of the things she's doing are ok, like asking for privacy, but some other things are not, like insulting efforts to help her and pushing people away. Daniel has no selfish reasons to help Bree. He just wants to help because he cares, and although Bree is right to ask for some space again she is being ungrateful. Most importantly she needs to know she is not alone.

And sadly some people never get over such things. I know it took me a long time to get over something similar.

Re: Holly says....

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 12:52 pm
by lonelygirl15
GoodGollyItsHolly wrote:It is ok to be sad, and it is ok to avoid the boys. It is ok to lock yourself in the bathroom and just be alone. All of that is perfectly ok. Its been two weeks, and it gets easier, in a few months. Just do whatever you need to do to feel better. What everyone else wants is irrelevant. It will get easier, you will feel normal again, I promise.

Thanx Holly. You're always so nice and understanding. *hug* Things are so strange right now ... I'm a little overwhelmed by the negative comments people have been writing to me lately. I guess that's why I haven't been writing very much. I didn't realize how much my behavior effects people.

I'm not trying to make excuses or anything, but I just lost my parents ... and found out they're not really my parents. I'm coping with the idea that I will never be able to go home again. I have strange people who I used to trust trying to hurt me. Meanwhile, people here are saying that I'm being stubborn or not grieving "normally" and that I take advantage of "the boys."

What people are forgetting is that this is my outlet. You are my friends. I am with Jonas & Daniel 24/7 and don't get me wrong, they are great friends, but when I need to talk to someone else I talk to you guys. My friends, my therapy, the people who won't judge me. I guess that was a lot to ask for. I realize that my behavior has been different lately. Well, I'm 17 yrs old and I'm going through a lot right now. I appreciate you guys so much and really listen to your advice and opinions. So please continue to do so, but maybe without yelling at me. :D Thanks everyone. :smt058

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 1:05 pm
by itsreallyreal

Well I just want to thank you for your post Bree! WE LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU! (Sorry for yelling :wink: )

I think everyone here is just very concerned about ye and it is all out of love. Sometimes people do crazy things for love (like lie about being your parents and such...) but I think it;s clear we all support you in our own way.

On that note... I would really like to suggest that you take some time to all go out and do something. Siting in thast house has to be making you all stir crazy!


Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 1:21 pm
by Jo_16_2
i'm with holly. different people, different reactions. closing up might not be "healthy", but i understand what you mean that talking wont make it hurt any less, i do the exactly same thing!
just take your time and dont mind the other people.
hope you get better ;) *


Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 9:18 pm
by Morgan
Just take care Bree. Don't let your grief weigh you down. We all want you three to be ok and successful in finding normalcy in your lives once more.

Remember that you're ALL in it together now, ok? I know loss is a demon that holds you down and you can't see past your own sadness sometimes. Talk when you're ready. We're not living your life, so sometimes we get impatient to see what is going on. Just ignore the rude comments and carry on hon.

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 9:19 pm
by Danielle
I agree with you Holly.

Its okay to grieve.

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 2:36 am
by aquanetnightmare
It's quite alright to feel sad. I can imagine that you're sick of being cooped up in the house all the time lol. Just remember not to take it out on Daniel and Jonas...I know that YOU know they are trying to help, so just attempt to be patient. And when all else fails, you go right ahead and spend some time with yourself lol. I hope you start to feel better soon Bree!!