Clearly, my old thread was a little outdated. After all, it was writen during the frustrating post-run-away, pre-jonas dry spell where we got nothing but the same thing (bree being silly, Daniel grumping) for weeks on end. The situation has, since then, changed.Lois_Meet_Clark wrote:I think you are being a bit unfair.
Sure, there are some things I don't like either (like the most recent video about her dad being dead but it did have a lot of lit elements that held secrets) but still, they don't just sloppily put the plot together like you said.
They showed the actual drug- we got to research it. We don't need some stupid doctor examine bree in a freak accident to tell us what it was for. It's to make more red blood cells.
Bree has been other emotions. Like in the homeless video she was telling Daniel to back off. She will break soon and "come of age." Be patient darnit.
Jonas isn't pointless. It's supposed to add a bit more reality to it if they reach out to some one who offered help. supposedly he watched the videos and wanted to help. It's a good thing he did cuz they'd be still doing nothing in a warehouse still.
Yes, there needs to be more action but that's not what this series is about. It's about seeing beyond the surface. Every image you see has a meaning. There are hidden clues. It's about figuring it out and letting your imagination drive you crazy as you wait.
Kudos to the creators. Don't worry. Some of us appreciate your work. At least you're doing something with your lives rather than be a person online who complains about random things and threatens to stop watching if it doesn't get better. You have tons of fans. We're not going to mutiny.
So here's the new thread. And some new topics to discuss.
First off, Bree's father's death was a sloppy job. The quick-camera jostling, the shot, the screaming, the get-away, the moody tribute following it, everything was so perfectly dramatic it was cliche. Sorry, but it was.
Finally we find out what the injections were. It only took, what....six months or so from the introduction of them as a plot point? Plus supposedly the symptoms Bree exibited at the time don't match the symptoms supposedly induced by the substance: apparently it's supposed to give you more energy but she kept acting sluggish. Makes me wonder if they introduced it without knowing themselves what it was.
Gemma. W.T.F. They going to leave that plot point hanging forever or what? She going the way of Cassie, Bree's teacher, or the mariad of other stuff that this series has brought up that are Never. Mentioned. Again? Like the substance itself? Daniel learned the name and then, seemingly, forgot all about it. It hasn't been mentioned since.
I will say one thing though, halleluja and thank goodness: Bree has finally stopped being likeable. She's rejected her toys, she's locked herself in the bathroom, she's shapish and withdrawn, she's irritable and short-tempered. She's actually reacting to something for once, and all I can say is it's about time.
Too bad it took a murder to make it happen: there's a reason why "shooting a main character" is the most overused season-finale stunt a series can pull: it instantly creates DRAMA, which should be a good thing, but it's such a staple that it's almost impossible to infuse the event with any originality.
Considerably fewer complaints then before, but here is my words again, peps. New and improved thread.