Tell us your nightmares. That'll help

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Tell us your nightmares. That'll help

Post by SharpI »

Hi Bree - don't stress over the Daniel thing - you two will work it out as always.

I'm more concerned about your nightmares. They seem to really trouble you. It's my experience that it helps to relate your dream - to speak it out loud to someone or to write it down. It drains away the inchoate terror that's so powerful in nightmares.

Give it a try. We're listening! -SharpI
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Post by apocalypse46 »

well not sure if you want to know my nightmares... ill tell you my last nightmare which happend last night... i was camping then some dude came out of nowhere with a gun and shot me in my side like where my kidney is then wile i was down he handcuffed me and made me stand on my knee's threatening to kill me. so i called him a bad name so he walked inback of me kicked my back so i lied face down in the grass stomped on my neck and shot me in the spine.... then i woke up.... crazy nightmare..

Spencer must be kicked from the show!!!!!!
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