To Help with LG Reedits

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To Help with LG Reedits

Post by Terryfic »

This thread is directed mainly at Miles, and I suppose to some degree Kevin Schlanser. I was gonna just email Miles, but figured there might be others interested in this idea and it might actually get done if we joined our voices.

I’ve been working on my LGRecaps and a problem I run into sometimes is the music track on some videos overlaps important pieces of dialog (often it is fading out, but it is still present). Since usually this music is unavailable for me to use without breaking some sort of copyright, I’m left with no other choice but to omit lines of dialog that I feel are important. I’m not sure if there are many other people out there that like to recut your videos, but I’m sure we would all appreciate it if you could re-release them (on a new YouTube account, i.e. LG15lite) with the music track muted. I know you are backlogged with many more important things, but realistically this shouldn’t take that long and could be easily delegated.

It would make my life a lot simpler.
"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. I consider them unwise and I know they are dangerous. Also, sinful. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet retired spot and kill him" - Mark Twain
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Post by Terryfic »

Sorry for the double post, but it has been almost two weeks and I wanted to give this a bump. It seems I am the only one with a desire for the audio of these videos with the music track stripped away, and it seems a little selfish for me to want you to spend your little spare time helping out a single fan, but I’d love to hear an answer either way so I can begin to plan around either having or not having access to this audio

After scanning through most of the videos I think there are only a handful of them that I would need this audio from. I like to use one (if I can find one long enough) or two songs for my LG15 Recaps to make them flow better and feel less disjointed, but when certain lines (or entire videos as is the case with Miss Me?) are recorded with both music and dialog I am forced to include this music and it really takes away from the video making it a lot more jumbled and destroys the illusion that it isn’t a mash up.

So if I could get a quick yes or no as to whether I might be able to get access to these audio tracks at some point reasonably soon I would greatly appreciate it.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. I consider them unwise and I know they are dangerous. Also, sinful. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet retired spot and kill him" - Mark Twain
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