[PUZZLE][SOLVED] Dancing In The Dark [02.26.07]
Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 7:54 pm
Tachyon updated her profile:
Which redirects to:
Title: A missive...
If you look at the page source, you see a lot of font colors.
I decided to leave them out because it made this post really friggen long.
If you translate the font colors from hex to text, you get:
And we've decoded it. I put capitalization in, but that's because I'm terrible about that... at least I left the apostrophes out? [Yay Opladybug... I don't know how you did it so fast. But really, I hate trying to read all caps so I had to change it. x.x]
The base64 translates to:To my "Brother" :
aHR0cDovL2VzdHJhZGlvbC5yZWRpcm VjdG1lLm5ldC8=
Which redirects to:
Title: A missive...
This is "Dancing in the Dark" by Bruce Springsteen.I get up in the evening, and I ain't got nothing to say
I come home in the morning, I go to bed feeling the same way
I ain't nothing but tired, I'm just tired and bored with myself
Hey there baby, I could use just a little help
You can't start a fire, you can't start a fire without a spark
This gun's for hire even if we're just dancing in the dark
Message keeps getting clearer, radio's on and I'm moving round the place
I check my look in the mirror, I wanna change my clothes my hair my face
Man I ain't getting nowhere just sitting in a dump like this
There's something happening somewhere, baby I just know that there is
You can't start a fire, you can't start a fire without a spark
This guns for hire even if we're just dancing in the dark
You sit around getting older, there's a joke here somewhere and it's on me
I'll shake this world off my shoulders, come baby this laughs on me
Stay on the streets of this town and they'll be carving you up alright
They say you got to stay hungry. Hey baby, I'm just about starving tonight
I'm dying for some action. I'm sick of sitting round here trying to write this book
I need a love reaction, come on now baby give me just one look
You can't start a fire sitting 'round crying over a broken heart
This gun's for hire even if we're just dancing in the dark
You can't start a fire worrying about your little world falling apart
This gun's for hire even if we're just dancing in the dark
If you look at the page source, you see a lot of font colors.
I decided to leave them out because it made this post really friggen long.
If you translate the font colors from hex to text, you get:
Note the periods and i is the ninth letter in the alphabet and the first number is 09. It could be that every two numbers is a letter. [Thanks surrealisticpill!]09 08151605 251521 1805 0514101525091407 20080919 0218090114 230912191514 1608011905 1506 2515211819. 10211920 16181513091905 1305 20080120 251521 1212 20180913 200805 0205011804 020506151805 0920 07052019 011212 18090311 1821020914 0318012625. 0225 200805 230125, 23091212 131513 011404 040104 05220514 120520 251521 02010311 0914 200805 0815211905 250520? 1325 152314 0605051209140719 1506 0721091220 08012205 1305 0122150904091407 20080513 061518 200805 20091305 0205091407. 0920 230119 07151504 2015 190505 251521 0107010914 202315 2305051119 010715 022120 230815 2315211204 2205 20081521070820 0920 04 0205 2114040518 2008151905 03091803211319200114030519? 09 1212 0205 03211809152119 2015 190505 0906 200805 20050514 0114071920 010422051420211805 07011407 030114 03151305 2116 23092008 0114252008091407 05121905 1514 2008151905 1520080518 19251302151219 15140305 20080525 0318010311 200805 03150405. 09 11141523 2305 20081521070820 2008051805 230119 01 1609 1518 0114 15130903181514 0914 202315 1506 20080513 022120 20080120 0415051914 20 010404 2116 23092008 200805 1520080518 1920210606 09 2205 19050514. 09 13 18211414091407 200805 22011809012009151419 1920091212 022120 09 030114 20 0415 13210308 1805190501180308 1809070820 141523. 09 190815211204 1618150201021225 120125 121523 061518 01 060523 04012519. 09 2008091411 09 130125 08012205 02050514 19161520200504 011404 09 13 180501121225 141520 0914 200805 13151504 061518 01 182114 0914 23092008 20080120 0209200308 1518 080518 13091409151419 1809070820 141523.
And we've decoded it. I put capitalization in, but that's because I'm terrible about that... at least I left the apostrophes out? [Yay Opladybug... I don't know how you did it so fast. But really, I hate trying to read all caps so I had to change it. x.x]
I hope you re enjoying this Brian Wilson phase of yours. Just promise me that you ll trim the beard before it gets all Rick Rubin crazy. By the way, will mom and dad even let you back in the house yet? My own feelings of guilt have me avoiding them for the time being. It was good to see you again two weeks ago but who would ve thought it d be under those circumstances? I ll be curious to see if the teen angst adventure gang can come up with anything else on those other symbols once they crack the code. I know we thought there was a pi or an omicron in two of them but that doesn t add up with the other stuff I ve found. I m running the variations still but I can t do much research right now. I should probably lay low for a few days. I think I may have been spotted and I m really not in the mood for a run in with that bitch or her minions right now.