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HSA - [assignment] Response to Assignment One

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 4:16 pm
by Silent
I was reading over the page Ms. Kelly made with responses to our responses, and noticed something interesting at the bottom.


It's a ladybug (there's another one, but it's way too big). Out of curiousity, I checked out Wikipedia's article on Coccinella Septempunctata. Guess what? It eats aphids.

And that's way too much of a coincidence to be an accident.

Also, ladybugs are known as 'biological pest control agents'; thus the reason for Ms. Kelly's note next to them reading 'control methods'.

In other notes; the two pictures at the top of the page are of orchids, and I haven't yet figured out why they're there. And then, in the upper left corner, there's this pic:


And I've got no idea what that's supposed to be. Any ideas?

Re: Response to Assignment One

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 4:47 pm
by selena
Silent wrote:I was reading over the page Ms. Kelly made with responses to our responses, and noticed something interesting at the bottom. It's a ladybug. Guess what? It eats aphids. And that's way too much of a coincidence to be an accident. Also, ladybugs are known as 'biological pest control agents'; thus the reason for Ms. Kelly's note next to them reading 'control methods'.

In other notes; the two pictures at the top of the page are of orchids, and I haven't yet figured out why they're there. And then, in the upper left corner, there's this pic: And I've got no idea what that's supposed to be. Any ideas?
Ooooooh, nice going Keyi! I didn't draw the connection between ladybugs and aphids.

I'm not sure about the orchids... I'm off to do a little sleuthing. (Avoiding my homework assignment. lol.)

Also, that thing in the corner... is it new? I don't remember seeing it there before. I'm not sure what it is either -- it almost looks like some sort of larva. The url tag calls it "en." :smt102 I'm off to see what I can see...

Edited: to note that aphids infest and eat orchids -- more accurately, they suck the fluid from the orchids. Still working on the "en."

Edit #2: to say that although I haven't found the exact picture to verify it, I have found pics of ladybug larva ... brdlv5.jpg and lacewing larva ... =160&h=105 -- both of which feed on aphids. Could either of those be what's in that second pic?

Edit #3 ...Last edit, I promise! Did you notice that the thing up in the corner is a drag-and-drop item? I went to try clicking on it, and the thing moved into the center of my page. :D I also had a thought about the "en" label on it... could it be part of a larger picture that ultimately makes up an enso?

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 9:51 pm
by sparkybennett

could en be short for the enso symbol?

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 12:27 am
by janesalteredstates
I sense a puzzle coming...
sparkybennett wrote:Hi

could en be short for the enso symbol?
Absolutely. The image at the wikipedia page is a good sign that this is part of an enso symbol

Good catch :)

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 8:48 pm
by Morgan
It's a puzzle now!!!! Go put it together!!!! I have two graphics of the solutions already, because I am on SPRING BREAK WOO HOO!! XD

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 9:43 pm
by sparkybennett
It's Rohypnol!

Poor Ms Kelly~!

edited to add - sorry if I spoiled it for anyone!

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 9:44 pm
by sparkybennett
AND now Tiko is offering the drug to it's beneficiaries!