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Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 3:15 am
by BlueToed
Nikki when are you gonna tell people you're 35! The wrinkles in your forehead give it away and it is obvious you've taken way too many acting classes while waiting for your big break in LA. Did you go to Bobby Chance?

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 3:30 am
by Linc
BlueToed wrote:Nikki when are you gonna tell people you're 35! The wrinkles in your forehead give it away and it is obvious you've taken way too many acting classes while waiting for your big break in LA. Did you go to Bobby Chance?
that's not mean spirited at all.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 7:32 am
by janesalteredstates
BlueToed wrote: Did you go to Bobby Chance?
Why? Did you?

Nikki B- I don't get it

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 3:03 pm
by BlueToed
I find the Nikki B. videos completely obnoxious and am actually surprised to see that no one else has posted anything similar. Doesn't anyone else think she is in her mid-thirties? I guess she never said her age but she said she graduated from Journalism school a little while ago. She might have started college when she was 30. It's possible.

Still to me it seems like an older girl who's trying to seem younger and cuter :roll: and has watched way to many Bree videos in the attempt to mimic her cuteness.

Bree does it so well, naturally.

This girls seems to be trying to hard.

What do y'all think?

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 4:07 pm
by Lurker
BlueToed wrote:Nikki when are you gonna tell people you're 35! The wrinkles in your forehead give it away...
I'm pretty sure she's 27 (everything I've seen about Alli D says so). Even if not, I don't see why it would matter.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 4:14 pm
by Lurker
The actor, Alli Danziger, is 27. And her "cutesie" acting while portraying Nikki B is largely tongue-in-cheek, I think. It's supposed to be a little exaggerated.

If you'd like to see a little bit of something different from her (different, but ironically, she's reporting), watch this:

Personally, I love the Nikki B videos. The character is entertaining and the actor is a nice lady with a fun personality.

Re: Nikki B- I don't get it

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 4:31 pm
by Luminous
BlueToed wrote:
What do y'all think?
I think she is a very creative cheerful person who is obviously having a great deal of fun and who has a loyal following of people who really enjoy her. Nobody is forcing you to watch her. If she's not your cup of tea, check out something that is :)

NikkiB thumbs up

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 8:41 pm
by asti
I love Nikki B. Her reports, along with the HSA line, are among my very favorite fan fiction. Everyone has different tastes in what they like and different perceptions of what they see so we can agree to disagree. So far, neither Nikki B. nor HSA have been labeled "canon". Their input are shown as comments to the videos and not part of the series.

Re: Nikki B- I don't get it

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 9:53 pm
by ApotheosisAZ
BlueToed wrote:I find the Nikki B. videos completely obnoxious and am actually surprised to see that no one else has posted anything similar. Doesn't anyone else think she is in her mid-thirties? I guess she never said her age but she said she graduated from Journalism school a little while ago. She might have started college when she was 30. It's possible.

Still to me it seems like an older girl who's trying to seem younger and cuter :roll: and has watched way to many Bree videos in the attempt to mimic her cuteness.

Bree does it so well, naturally.

This girls seems to be trying to hard.

What do y'all think?
I think I'd like to welcome you to the forum.

I personally have a soft spot in my heart for fan-contributors. NikkiBowerReport is presently considered one of them. Yes, it has been determined that the actress portraying Nikki is actually a friend of The Creators of Lonelygirl15. This does not make her less of a fan.

As such, it is my duty as a moderator here to remind everyone of the Forum Etiquette, Rules, and Policies, part of which says:
Our Illustrious and Owen Admiring Administrator wrote:Be Friendly
This is the number one rule at this forum. We want this to be a friendly, happy place for people to discuss LG15 and all the fan fiction based on it. Insulting people or other mean comments have no place at this board. Before posting a message, take a moment and reflect whether yours the sort of comment you would make to one of your close friends.
Nikki Bower deserves just as much respect as any other forum user. It is inappropriate to post mean comments about her.

Please review these guidelines before making other negative posts directed at Lonelygirl15 forum contributors. I am locking this one.

Thank you for your time, and again, I welcome you to the forum.