Everyone seems to have a different name for Bree, Daniel, and Jonas. I'd like to propose that we come up with an abbreviation for them that we can all use. JBD, DBJ, BJD, something... I dunno. Any suggestions?
Does it really bother people that we use three different abbreviations for the kids in different order? If I'm typing out something quick I just put whichever character comes to mind first as the first initial. Didn't think that bothered anyone...
As long as someone's clear in who they're referring to (clarity should be an objective in every post anyway), I don't have a problem with a thousand different reference titles.
Well, mostly, I've seen DB for Daniel. I haven't seen that many abreviations for Jonas or Bree. For all three, BDJ or something like that, I guess. People will get it. I like BDJ best because in the series, Bree came first, Daniel second, and Jonas last.
exanimatebylove wrote:Oh...and about what they should be called...umm Sami's suggestion is perfect but maybe we could shorten it... TAG!!!!
And here it is, a couple of weeks later, and five of us have been "tagged"
LG15.com's first (and so far only) former 2-time moderator (wanna go for three? )
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Proud member of "The Five" (who have been "Tagged" by Hymn of One).