[Tip] Royalty Free Music-Shareware

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[Tip] Royalty Free Music-Shareware

Post by immortal1 »

Back in the day I was a website developer and took up Flash. In Flash you use sound loops, these are music files created so that you can repeat them one after another and it sound like one continuous peace of music. The idea in Flash being once you import a media file you can reuse it over and over without increasing file size. I'm not sure if that applies to vids but these loops are great for the vids we make here because a) they are small in length which makes them real easy to work with in these 2 minute and under vids and b) they are shareware so they are free!


PS- You can also get sound FX files at the same site.
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Post by gogo »

In addition to immortal's resources, I have found soundclick.com to be a helpful music resource. The musicians are unsigned, so the songs are not songs you know, but the site is well-organized and broken into genres for easy listening, selecting and downloading.

For musicians with Creative Commons licenses who allow people to download their songs for free and use them commercially (Revver) in exchange for crediting their work, this page is a great place to start. You need to sign up, but it is free.

There are many types of music through which to search. Some artists are quite talented. It has been helpful for classical music and instrumentals for me.

This will help some people avoid into difficulty with Revver on musical selections.
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Post by Linc »

Podsafe Music Network: http://music.podshow.com

Even some major labels sign up and post a few songs. Tom Waits' "Alice" is one of the bigger ones that you can use for free.
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Post by janesalteredstates »

I am confused about podsafe. Are all the songs there usable?
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Post by Killthesmiley »

for some really great classical pieces I ALWAYS used musopen.com

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Post by colbertnationgirl »

Thank you for posting these!!
That was the weirdest display of geekdom that I have ever seen in my entire life.
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Post by Linc »

janesalteredstates wrote:I am confused about podsafe. Are all the songs there usable?
Yes, every song is usable, provided the band and song are credited.
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Post by 9 »

This should spice up some of my later vids. :twisted:
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Post by benatural36 »

I know this is very delayed but there is a really good website called freeplaymusic.com that has practically everything you could ever want.
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Post by selena »

benatural36 wrote:I know this is very delayed but there is a really good website called freeplaymusic.com that has practically everything you could ever want.
benatural... I'd been looking around for some new music sources, so I checked them out. They have some GREAT music there... but just be aware that they do require a license fee for use in blog/youtube-type broadcast vids (~$25.00 per title, per use). Not altogether free in spite of the name. :)
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Post by Esteed »

Linc wrote:Podsafe Music Network: http://music.podshow.com

Even some major labels sign up and post a few songs. Tom Waits' "Alice" is one of the bigger ones that you can use for free.
How does one download the free ones?
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