Not to say that i am 100% certain, but i think there is a good chance that her family may be members of the golden dawn.
while looking into the Enochian alphabet i came across this:
The basic teachings relating to Enochian Magick and the Angelic language, as revealed by Dee and Kelly, were taken up at the end of the last century by a secret occult group known as the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn . The Golden Dawn used the mysterious tablets and language in their rituals and magickal ceremonies.
so i started looking more into the OotGD...
OotGD was founded in London in 1888
Golden Dawn: The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn is an initiatory magical group that was founded in London in 1888. It is a society that is dedicated to philosophical, spiritual, and psychic evolution.
the connection - Bree lived in Nottingham, England
Crowley was a well known member.
Some well known members included Arthur Machen, William Butler Yeats, and Aleister Crowley.
source: ... olden_Dawn
and according to the longest standing temple is in New Zealand, Bree lived there. AND there is another temple of note in Australia, Bree visited there.
there is a specific sect of the OotGD called Thelemic Order of the Golden Dawn, which is obviously a bit more closely tied to Crowley, which would explain the shrine to him.
in bree's "learning to drive" video, as we all know, she mentions the order of somethingorother. so far i havent seen anyone really mention that she says "they're not order of somethingorother". now i havent done much looking around the forum to see if that bit is mentioned, so sorry if its been discussed. anyway, i havent been able to find a tie to anything called "order of jethro" or "gecko" or "dethera" or anything that sounds like it. but... i just thought i would bring this all into its own little topic here.The Thelemic Order of the Golden Dawn (Order of the T.·.G.·.D.·.) was founded on the Vernal Equinox of 1990 e.v. by David Cherubim (Frater A.·.A.·.) and past associates in Los Angeles, CA, USA. Thus the history and lineage of the Order are primarily related to our Founder's links with Thelema, Aleister Crowley and the Order of the Golden Dawn.