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Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 8:59 am
by Aenigmatron
Watched the Equinox vid the other night and decided to do some searching on the Chartreuse tag. Not sure if this is relevant or anything but I am going to go ahead and post it.
Most of this stuff is from wikipedia and the rest of it was found in various places online.
Chartreuse: the color known as Lime, or distilled wine alcohol, originally called the Elixir of Life. Made from 130 different herbs, flowers and secret ingredients.
Chartreuse Mountains: North of Grenoble, France.
Chartreuse = Harlequin = Devilish
Kenneth Anger - Lucifer Rising
A Door within Crowley's Face which opens onto a superimposed zodiac in The Inauguration of The Pleasure Dome, the hand tinted chartreuse fan (the magickal weapon)
Note: Kenneth Anger is O.T.O.
Magickal Weapon: The Knife (Athame) is a magickal weapon of the Air/Ace of Swords in the Tarot.
Air = Aries, cardinal fire, Air is Vav of IHVH (Tetragrammaton)
Air = Mind, Intelligence, Intellect
Again I apologize if this made absolutely no sense, but this is about the only thing I could come up with in reference to the Chartreuse tag.
Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 11:10 am
by ghostvoices
I've been wondering about this too. It seems entirely random. I did a google search of "aleister crowley chartreuse" and came up with this site,
It talks about an essay Crowley wrote on absinthe/chartreuse.... reading through it I can't see an relevance or clues about what is actually going on in lonelygirl15's story, but it was the only thing I could find that connected chartreuse to her in any way whatsoever.
Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 11:24 am
by Broken Kid
ghostvoices wrote:I've been wondering about this too. It seems entirely random. I did a google search of "aleister crowley chartreuse" and came up with this site
Wouldn't be the first time a tag seemed entirely random. In fact, the only tag so far that people
swear isn't random is "Denderah". This is why I'm still not sold that denderah applies... I'm more inclined to think the tags are there to lead us astray and provoke these kind of discussions...
CHARTREUSE, the Yellow-Green Enchantress
Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 11:44 pm
by gogo
More on Chartreuse:
In an article on Gnostic, which is an offshoot of Crowley’s OTO, Magical Patterns in the Theosophical Rays:
…we find the Eighth Ray, governing Innocence and Music, to be CHARTREUSE, the Yellow-Green Enchantress (traditional Tarot's Magician); Isis or South Node in Virgo, in trine to and four signs behind the Seventh Ray's Capricorn. (This rules the throat chakra, the body of the spirit.)
Is our dear, sweet Bree an enchantress? Daniel seems to think so.
Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 10:05 am
by glennhenno
Went back and looked at tags last night and came up with chartreuse, the original and secret recipe liquer, like absinthe, contained thujone, from Wormwood" which us very psychoactive.
This might be what causes her head to nod in the "WHAT" poem.
(see thread under Cassieiswathing)
Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 10:59 am
by colbertnationgirl
glennhenno wrote:Went back and looked at tags last night and came up with chartreuse, the original and secret recipe liquer, like absinthe, contained thujone, from Wormwood" which us very psychoactive.
This might be what causes her head to nod in the "WHAT" poem.
(see thread under Cassieiswathing)
when daniel sneaks into lucy's apartment, isn't there a poster that says something absinthe?
Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 4:05 pm
by ixlr8
colbertnationgirl wrote:glennhenno wrote:Went back and looked at tags last night and came up with chartreuse, the original and secret recipe liquer, like absinthe, contained thujone, from Wormwood" which us very psychoactive.
This might be what causes her head to nod in the "WHAT" poem.
(see thread under Cassieiswathing)
when daniel sneaks into lucy's apartment, isn't there a poster that says something absinthe?
Yeah, but that's not an uncommon poster. I have one thats similar.
Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 3:22 pm
by colbertnationgirl
ixlr8 wrote:colbertnationgirl wrote:glennhenno wrote:Went back and looked at tags last night and came up with chartreuse, the original and secret recipe liquer, like absinthe, contained thujone, from Wormwood" which us very psychoactive.
This might be what causes her head to nod in the "WHAT" poem.
(see thread under Cassieiswathing)
when daniel sneaks into lucy's apartment, isn't there a poster that says something absinthe?
Yeah, but that's not an uncommon poster. I have one thats similar.
yes but the way daniel focused on it makes me think it means something.
Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 2:17 am
by Bruiser
I work in a sporting goods store and Chartreuse is a popular color for fish bait, esp. when the water is murky or the weather is cloudy, making visibility low.
Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 5:41 am
by iamcool
thank you first time poster
Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 11:53 pm
by lonelyelendi
Chartreuse is also a member of the forums O.O
Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 1:05 am
by Chartreuse
lonelyelendi wrote:Chartreuse is also a member of the forums O.O
*hugs kenny*
No, I got my name
from the tag, I promise. I have no insight or information, except that it's a neat color.