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What is an ARG?
An alternate reality game (ARG) is a type of game that overlaps the game world with reality, by utilizing real world media, in order to deliver an interactive narrative experience to the players
(For more on ARG’s and what they are, please see the following link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alternate_Reality_Game)
ARG Rules:
1. Maintain the attitude that ‘this is not a game!’ (TINaG)
2. Work Together! Collaboration is the key to solving any puzzle!
3. Stay in character!
(For more on TINaG, Please refer to this site: http://www.argn.com/archive/000247this_ ... osophy.php)
Common ARG abbreviations:
IG: In Game
OOG: Out Of Game
IC: In Character
OOC: Out Of Character
Puppet Master (PM): Person (people) behind the scenes.
Shill: someone in association with the pm, that plays as the biggest fan, etc.
Drop: A clue, dropped off, in which players find and share in order to move along the story
Puzzle tools:
Anagram engine: (there are many)
Morse code:
Rotation Ciphers:
Vigenere Cipher:
Reverse text:
More Cipers (tons)
More Tools:
Internet Movie Database
What is an IRC?
Internet Relay Chat (IRC) is a form of realtime Internet chat. It is mainly designed for group (many-to-many) communication in discussion forums called channels, but also allows one-to-one communication via private message.
(For more on IRC’s, Please refer to this article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IRC )
How to get into IRC:
To use Java: http://java.freenode.net/index.php (channel: #facilityj OR #maddisonatkins)
If you do not wish to use Java Chat, you will need to use a chat client. Some suggestions are, Chatzilla and mIRC.
For chat clients: server: irc.freenode.net (channel: #facilityj OR #maddisonatkins)
If you wish to use mIRC...
Drop RulesFirst off, mIRC is an application you can run on your computer to connect to IRC chatrooms. This will give you much more versatility and reliability in the chat. Here are the steps to get started:
-Step #1: Download the mIRC client at http://www.mirc.com/get.html
-Step #2: Install mIRC with the default settings.
-Step #3: Follow the directions to setup mIRC found here: http://www.mirc.com/install.html
-Step #4:Go to the Options menu, under the Connect->Servers category and if FreeNode is in the IRC Network dropdown menu, select it and move to the next step. Otherwise, hit the Add button. Input the following information in the corresponding boxes:
Description: FreeNode Main
IRC Server: irc.freenode.net
Port: 6667
Group: FreeNode
And then select FreeNode from the IRC Network dropdown menu.
-Step #5: Go to the Options menu, under the Connect->Options category and hit the Perform button.
-Step #6: Hit the Add button and select Freenode, then click ok. Ensure FreeNode is selected for the Network. Then in the perform commands text area, put "/join #facilityj OR #maddisonatkins"(Ensure the "Enable perform on connect" option is selected).
After signing in with your chosen username, I recommend that you register it. You can do this by typing:
"/ns register yourpasswordhere"
If you get a message saying "That username is already registered," this means someone already has that name and you will have to come up with a new name. You can change your name by typing:
"/nick yournewnamehere"
After registering your username, it is required that you identify yourself each time you sign on. mIRC makes this easy but auto-identifying yourself if you follow this step:
-Step #7: Go back to the perform menu from step 6, and add the following line after the "/join #facilityj OR #maddisonatkins" line: "/ns identify password"
Following these steps will set up the client to automatically join the channel on connecting to freenode and identify you.
Some FAQ's:
Q: How do I do an emote?
A: To emote, simply type: "/me texthere"
Q: How do I join another chat channel?
A: To join another chat channel, type: "/join #chatnamehere"
Q: Why does my username have a number after it?
A: Your username may have a number after it if you are disconnected and rejoin. This is called ghosting. You can remove the ghost by typing: "/ns ghost yourusername yourpassword" then change your username back by typing "/nick username"
*Note: where "yourpasswordhere" is written, you insert your own desired password.*
The Rules:
1. If you are nearby a drop, and would like to retrieve it, you MUST inform both the forums AND the chat that you will be going. You need to let them know where you are leaving from, how long it will take you to get there, and any other arrangements. You also will need to make prior arrangements with the others who will be going to retrieve the drop as well.
2. Once you have confirmed that you are going to retrieve the drop, pick somebody who has access to the forums AND the IRC to be an operator. Make sure that you have a mobile phone with you at all times, and that they have the number. Please stay in touch with your operator for as much of the drop as possible. Communication is the key!
3. Bring a flashlight! Some drops will need to be retrieved at night, in VERY dark locations. A flashlight is not only beneficial for finding the drop, but also for your safety.
4. Meet with your group AWAY from the drop. People retrieving the drops should meet in a public area away from the drop, and leave together. This way everyone arrives at the drop at the same time, and introductions will have already been made.
5. All drop retrievals must be recorded! There are no exceptions to this rule! Everything that happens at the drop site must be recorded. Walking to the site, walking around, searching areas, finding the drop, opening the drop, and so on, must be on video recorded. After finding the drop, ALL items MUST be photographed. Every side, marking, symbol, sentence, etc. MUST be on film. Video needs to be uploaded to you tube in a fast, timely manner. And pictures need to be hosted as well.
6. After all this action, SLEEP! Everyone else can wait. Your health and safety are most important.
Those not retrieving the drop:
You are just as important as the group retrieving. After a drop is confirmed, those not retrieving will be doing several things.
1. The forum and the IRC chat will work together to uncover the locale of this drop. Once we feel that the location is verified to our satisfaction (and believe me, we're picky), we will find who is closest to the drop and is willing to take a trip. In the past drops the closest people have been from fifteen minutes to several hours from the location of the drop.
2. We will make sure that the brave soliders have swapped phone numbers with someone in our group. We will also confirm that they are able to videotape their recovery.
3. In some cases, we will need to help direct those on the mission.
4. Follow along closely, because once something is found, it all happens quickly.