TheCreators wrote:April 28th, 2007 at 8:47 pm
Hey everyone,
Please bear with us. We are very over-extended, but we promise that you will enjoy where the story direction is headed. We are working on making the Hymn of One puzzle stuff better, the plot is ramping up (stay tuned) and we are working more and more character interactivity into the show on a weekly basis. Finally, we are tweaking our “format” to make the individual videos more enjoyable and still drive the narrative forward (much harder than it sounds). Also, with the addition of KateModern you will see a substantial increase in the breadth and depth of the LG15 universe. FINALLY… web design is progressing. In the meantime, enjoy the shiny new “previous, next” buttons below the video. Thanks!!!!
Reasons why your last post has left many of us still unsatisfied:
1) You have not addressed our concerns about Jules. This is one of our biggest beefs and you have ignored it.
2) In saying, 'Please bear with us,' you are asking for us to regain a trust that some of us no longer have for you. It's been too long now with no answers and unsatisfactory episodes. I can only speak for myself in saying that you are going to have to work very hard to regain that trust.
3) We don't really care that much about puzzles. We'd rather have an engaging storyline. If you're finding it that consuming to make puzzles then get someone else in to help you. Lord knows you need someone else anyway, to check your scripts for plot errors.
4) We don't need you to be diplomatic right now. We need you to be honest. I'm fed up of reading notes written in the style of an unpopular politician.