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Re: in their defense

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 12:10 am
by Hippie
jessicaleerose wrote:Hi everyone,
In defense of "the creators" as ya call em, I would just like to say that from an inside perspective they are trying VERY hard to make everything work and make sure you guys are happy and interested in the storyline. It may not seem like it but they truly are. They care deeply about this show and really put their all into making it better. Since this is such a new thing in 'the industry' its very time consuming to work out deals and such as people who are not familiar with the internet concept are trying to do things as if this were TV or film.. which is not their fault they are just doing what they have always done, but this is a new medium and it will take some time to figure out. I really enjoy filming this show and watching it despite the fact that i know what is coming up! Just when you think things are in a lull they pick up again so try not to jump to the conclusion that when things are slow that means it is always going to be that way.. we can't possibly give you action packed videos everyday because it would be unrealistic in the 'breeniverse' . It's incredibly hard to please everyone, but they do try and they listen to ALL of your concerns and complaints and try their best to handle the situation.
I hope you all continue to watch our show and support us. We appreciate all you have done for us and are working towards making better quality entertainment for you! so please do just 'bear with us'!!
thanks guys 'n' gals!
truth and B/S side by side... i like how the creators are bringing out all the ends to try to help the failing storyline... and keep people watching... but your "help" isnt what this needs... again like you know, it up to us! (the viewers)

This is an empty plea for attention to me...

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 12:22 am
by HenrySugar
If I were paying money for this I might feel a right to complain here and there. My only investment thus far has been emotional and that's my own doing. The Creators just put it out there, it's up to me as to how and why I perceive it.
This is a gift, plain and simple. So, thanks Creators, for your time, effort, quality and consistency. You guys are awesome.
I'll save my criticisms until after I've created a better series. :-)

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 12:37 am
by longlostposter
I don't want to be mean, but I wish that everyone involved in this show would just take a step back and look at it from the perspective of the viewer. Yes, I understand that this is free, but I don't feel that means we don't have the right to be upset when the quality of the show is dwindling. If no one is here, then you have no advertisers. This is not a one-way street.

As far as the vids go, there doesn't seem to be any critical thinking going on. It's almost seems like the attitude is, "Let's slap something together to keep them happy for now".

You guys really underestimate us. We only tell you these things because we want the show to be better, and it seems like no one pays attention until we actually get nasty.

I've been waiting for over six months for some answers about different things concerning DBJ. While we never got them before, and now they are trickling out, there has been some improvement in this area. However, it's still far too slow. How long are we supposed to put up with chasing our tails and the proverbial carrot being dangled in front of our faces? Sooner or later, the horse gets tired.

Oh, and to correct something that was said by Jessica, we don't want action-packed videos all the time. What we want are answers to questions that have been up in the air (Some of them since the "Swimming" video). Also, it's too long between the vids that make the story exciting. Please, I don't want to be bored to sleep. I don't even get excited when there is a new vid up anymore, and that's saying something. I used to stay up until the wee hours of the morning to see if a vid would go up that night; now I just go to the home page and refresh every now and then. My main focus has turned away from finding entertainment in the series, to finding entertainment on the forums by goofing around with friends I have here. This saddens me.

One other thing. It seems to me that some posters feel intimidated when you all post in a thread, and stop being honest about how they feel. I don't know why that is, and it certainly isn't the fault of anyone connected with the show, but I just want to make you aware of it (Although I'm sure you already know this). I promise you, I will never do this to you.

OK, I'm done for now.

Re: Creator's latest post

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 1:26 am
by Lurker
There's not a lot I want to say (or so I thought; ended up being more than I intended), but I would like to second what Juli said above about us not really being all that concerned with the "action-packed" videos (at least not in the casual sense; car chases, shootouts, etc.). I think most concerns at this point actually stem from 1) the notion that seemingly pivotal plot elements were dropped without ever being looked at again, even by the characters, 2) Bree's latest round of being a bitch (Jess, I'm referring to your character, not you; you I like) with the whole "Tell me what you find out - while I ignore you for a couple of weeks!" thing, and 3) the general sense of aimlessness that's been at work for a while.

To clarify more of what I mean about the aimlessness, though it seemed to have started in January, in retrospect, those plot lines actually did a lot for Daniel's character (and Bree's too). I still think what could have been done in a week or two was unnecessarily spaced out over the course of a month there, but that's not too important right now.

After the rescue of Daniel, there just seemed to be no clear sense of direction. Their behavior was - I'm going to be honest - stupid, as they continued filming their locations, seemingly in an attempt to trick the Order (easily identifying where they'd gone, Jonas using the cell phone, Bree making that fake "Gosh!" face and acting in an over exaggerated manner over Jonas making the phone call that she somehow didn't notice he was making until it was already over), only for us to find out that, yes, they really were that stupid.

Anyway, going to the cabin arguably made some kind of sense. Everything they did around that scenario didn't, but okay, that was alright. The revelation that Jonas' parents had a tie to the Order, though, was a time that I think really necessitated some explanations, because it's still hard to believe that he didn't know about any of this before inviting Bree to his place.

It came off looking rather contrived at the time, and seems to be more so now that none of the characters have ever actually made the comment "How freakin' convenient." We know it's fictional, but the characters don't.

Anyway, due to revelations made since then (Jonas having that gun all that time, the trio knowing about that bunker all this time, etc.) a lot of things don't make much sense, such as Jonas not keeping the gun with him even after they were chased, or the fact that the characters went to Alex's place after the cabin, or the fact that they went to Vegas at all. That one in particular seems contrived, as it pretty much just seems like they did it so they could get captured.

At the time of the Vegas videos, it really seemed like they didn't know what they were doing and they were just doing something to be doing it. Knowing what we do now cements that.

The issues with pacing and relevance that have come since then really only made an already aimless matter look more aimless. I mean, what was the point of Jonas and Daniel trying to remember their kidnapper's face? Why would that even help them? Why'd they spend all that time trying to get to no actual end (would it be safe to assume that production issues are what resulted in the avalanche of go-nowhere hypnosis vids and Bree's New Girl monologues?), even when - if they had gotten somewhere - it wouldn't have provided any obvious assistance?

Heck, it's not like they don't know where they were held captive, so what would getting their memories back help them do? They got their vehicle back, and it obviously must have been taken to wherever they had been taken, so they'd know where to go (and all this assuming they didn't check the place out before taking to the road once more).

Moving on, to be honest, even as cool as some aspects of the Mexico scenario were (it was good to see Alex again, yes), I have to question what it accomplished. Why would the trio go after Alex first instead of to the bunker? They'd just been held captive and had no idea if someone else was going to be coming after them. It would have also been a good time to go see if the resistance had left anything useful behind, either in the form of information or something else (which is why they should have gone there before ever even going to Alex's; supposedly they went to her place under the pretense of finding out information that may lead to info on the resistance - but if they already knew where the bunker was, thennn ...).

There's really just been a massive string of aimlessness and glossed over plot elements for a long time. I'm taking you guys at your word that you've got a direction in mind now. I just think - what with comments that seem to assume what people are looking for is explosions and fights - that it needed to be thoroughly explained what the issues actually are.

Also, to briefly return to the matter of Bree and her behavior, it rather seems to do the opposite of promote talking to her when she doesn't seem to care about what's said. This has been a major problem of late. I understand that not everything can be addressed by her (particularly where non-canon matters are concerned), but when it takes her several days to "find" something that was given to her a week earlier by people on the forum, it just makes the mind go "Wtf."

Anyway, all that done, I wanted to respond to some of rupa's comments.
rupaZer0 wrote:Reasons why your last post has left many of us still unsatisfied:

1) You have not addressed our concerns about Jules. This is one of our biggest beefs and you have ignored it.
(This part addressed to rupa)
I actually think that this has been addressed in that she's still part of the story. I mean, they can't - or shouldn't - rework the entire thing they have planned to remove her. There's such a thing as giving too much power to the viewers, I think. At least give them the chance to do well with this plotline (or to bungle it, depending on your perspective).

When an actor (who is probably going to feel like shit anyway) hasn't been given a fair chance (we'd have torn Jessica/Bree apart if we'd known she was an actor; her intro was better than Jules', yeah, but compare her then to how she is now), and when the character might be absolutely pivotal to what's to come, I think it's too much for people to assume that the character and actor should just be removed (obviously they couldn't bring in a different actor to play the same character or there'd be complaints then about how unconvincing it was).
rupaZer0 wrote:3) We don't really care that much about puzzles. We'd rather have an engaging storyline. If you're finding it that consuming to make puzzles then get someone else in to help you.
(This part addressed to the Creators)
I agree with this. Puzzles never made LG15 what it is, and despite what you guys thought at one point (because of how they tracked info down on Greg and his family), you didn't attract an audience of primarily ARGers. Many of those people who tried finding out about you guys were just interested in knowing if this was a production because they'd become hooked on it.

In any case, having a solid story is infinitely more important than puzzles. Puzzles are a luxury that I think should only be considered after everything else (cast, crew, story) are in order, and if you guys personally find it too taxing to try doing it, but you're absolutely set on including them, definitely get someone else in to handle that.
rupaZer0 wrote:Lord knows you need someone else anyway, to check your scripts for plot errors.
Not to be harsh, but I can't say it's wrong. There's really been some mind bogglers. I know some of that's because of the fallout over OpAPHID, but most of it actually isn't.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 2:39 am
by Hippie
LONGLOSTPOSTER THANK YOU FOR STAYING!! wow, i now pay attention to who posts what partly because of kellylen and you.... oh yeah i have a fondness for wisigirl's comments too... and to think i have to edit this to give a damn Lurker my credits too... crazy i tell you

I tend to ramble, but you, are spot on!! besides I will argue the fact that if the creators (arguably US) wanted to keep us as the designers to the whole breeniverse, julie would be gone, or at the least minimized... i dont think it would be too hard to switch taylor and julie around, though the timeline for doing so seems to be shrinking...

I just think the creators have gotten too rigid in their writing to take certain things into their mindset when it pertains to things they want to happen... IT ISNT THEIR WANTS... this is by us for us... im sick of people making up crap to defend that which we created and has dictatorized for the past month or so... i just dont see input being shi* right now... my opinion, and everyone elses seems near null and void...

::OOOOOOOOPS... i missed the whole ARG paragraph... I CAME HERE BECAUSE OF IT, another oops, I got INTERESTED in LG because of the whole scenario, I watched before, everyone was, but that whole area when things got freaky, thats what grabbed me... and whats killing this for me... its gone now, for far far too long, then Maddi comes, i become elated, and now... :(

Re: Creator's latest post

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 4:51 am
by rupaZer0
Lurker wrote:
rupaZer0 wrote:Reasons why your last post has left many of us still unsatisfied:

1) You have not addressed our concerns about Jules. This is one of our biggest beefs and you have ignored it.
(This part addressed to rupa)
I actually think that this has been addressed in that she's still part of the story. I mean, they can't - or shouldn't - rework the entire thing they have planned to remove her. There's such a thing as giving too much power to the viewers, I think. At least give them the chance to do well with this plotline (or to bungle it, depending on your perspective).

When an actor (who is probably going to feel like shit anyway) hasn't been given a fair chance (we'd have torn Jessica/Bree apart if we'd known she was an actor; her intro was better than Jules', yeah, but compare her then to how she is now), and when the character might be absolutely pivotal to what's to come, I think it's too much for people to assume that the character and actor should just be removed (obviously they couldn't bring in a different actor to play the same character or there'd be complaints then about how unconvincing it was).
I wouldn't have agreed with you a few days ago, but I do now. The reason for the change is Jules' last video.She seemed a lot more real, a lot less like she was performing lines, and she brought up emotions in me. I basically got what I needed from a monologue in her last video - I got that emotional engagement and feeling of empathy. I therefore feel like my concerns there have been addressed, and I look forward to seeing more reality from her performance in future.

Another thing that video changed in my mind was that it expressed frustration on the character's part and by extension the creators' part about high expectations. I feel like I've heard what's going on for the creators, I feel engaged with a bit more, I can empathise with the creators and therefore feel a lot less annoyed.

I think soon we'll see things moving. The Creators and the actress for Jules seem to have accepted the constructive criticism they were given, but also inevitably feel a bit hurt. I hope we can all move on and enjoy the storyline unfolding still more.
Hey there,

Yeah we are aware and feel HORRIBLE! We are working very hard to make things better - more interactivity, better videos, improved characters. We have been making videos with new characters, running the hymn of one site, and drastically increasing the interactivity. That may be why the current videos aren't as great and we are working on changing this.

At this point 99% of our efforts are going into lonelygirl15, and 100% for directors and actors. We hope people stick out this down time and enjoy where the story goes from here.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 6:34 am
by ericski
i agree pretty much w/ everything lurker posted.
i have been along for the ride all along and also followed the puzzles just to know what was happening there.
we just want it to make more sense. the actions can be wild, it is fiction, and they are young, so every action doesn't have to be wise. but there should be reason behind whatever it is. all three are thinkers to some extent. they're not brainless, as some of their choices have been. emotion plays a part, clearly, but it is rather unsatisfying to see them ignore plot points a la carte.
i will always appreciate what you all have done w/ this cool experiment.
however, some people would rather see it end than see it become a total joke regarding plot.
also i would like to thank you for posting, i actually didn't think you cared that much.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 6:49 am
by Kasdeja
I hardly even come here, anymore...and the story is taking a backseat to me. It seems like we are just treading water and my arms are getting tired. Honestly, I could give a crap about Jules or KateModern if this story continues like this. I've been told to WAIT too many times.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 9:27 am
by orbthesela
I thought I would throw my two pence in, not that the creators are going to address any of the very well argued points raised so far, but meh...

First of all, I agree that the creators SHOULD have said something about the largely negative response to the Jules character. Something like; 'we've read your comments about Jules, but stick with us' or 'we are aware of some of your feelings about Jules but we've got something planned' Just some reassurance that the creators are actually LISTENING to the many people who are quite concerned that this character is a bad thing for the series.

Now, before I'm flamed, I know that some people are wiling to wait and see how Jules plays into the storyline and thats fine, but my comment is going to represent my own opinion and I am from the school of; I think she's a terrible actress.

I didn't start watching lonelygirl15 until January, I hadn't even heard of it until the walrus featured it as part of shozbiz bizzy news, on newgrounds last year. On a whim I decided to watch to see what all the fuss was about and let me tell you, watching the entire series in one day was not an easy task to undertake, but it certainly made things easy to see where parts of the show had dipped in quality. I am now completely hooked on the show, but like many other people who have expressed their feelings here, I am beginning to get frustrated.

There are many questions which are being left completely unanswered and it's not for the lack of asking. People have left comments for the creators, they have made response videos, they have left in character questions for the trio but still nothing.

Yes, the puzzles are a nice side-line, but it's the STORYLINE that most of us are interested in.

I haven't got involved with the maddison atkins thing, why? Because I'm British. And while I'm sure it's been great amounts of fun for the Americans participating in it, it's been pretty much obsolete for me.

Now I'm not suggested in any way shape or form that a british arg starts up, I'm simply saying that for me, I'm only really interested in watching the lg15 videos and finding out what this whole things been about. I personally don't care how much effort the creators are putting into puzzles, I want to see their efforts put into the storyline of lg15, thats what brought me into this fandom, the storyline.

Many people have said they are tuning out, they are becoming bored, because questions have gone unanswered for too long, the so-called, increased interactivity seems to be only applicable to the storyline the creators have planned. For over a week, people have been trying to get Bree to take the advise of a poster in the forum, no to response whatsoever, even though the posts are offering genuine seeming advice and clues. But there is response to messages concerning Jules. Thats right, Jules, Jules, Jules...

Frankly I'd rather trap my head in a vice than have to bear with, what? Two, three more weeks of this, as is the usual pattern.

I'd like to finish up by saying that I think longlostposter brought up some excellent points and if the creators should listen to anyone, it should be them.
I don't want to be mean, but I wish that everyone involved in this show would just take a step back and look at it from the perspective of the viewer. Yes, I understand that this is free, but I don't feel that means we don't have the right to be upset when the quality of the show is dwindling. If no one is here, then you have no advertisers. This is not a one-way street.

As far as the vids go, there doesn't seem to be any critical thinking going on. It's almost seems like the attitude is, "Let's slap something together to keep them happy for now".

You guys really underestimate us. We only tell you these things because we want the show to be better, and it seems like no one pays attention until we actually get nasty.

I've been waiting for over six months for some answers about different things concerning DBJ. While we never got them before, and now they are trickling out, there has been some improvement in this area. However, it's still far too slow. How long are we supposed to put up with chasing our tails and the proverbial carrot being dangled in front of our faces? Sooner or later, the horse gets tired.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 11:28 am
by Haether
but when it takes her several days to "find" something that was given to her a week earlier by people on the forum, it just makes the mind go "Wtf."
very very true. I just keep thinking, "what exactly are they doing all day?" I mean, it doesn't make sense that they wouldn't look at the forum on a daily basis. They should be using their resources (I believe there is an entire thread just on this).

We don't want car chases, explosions, etc. We want plot progression and more background (characters, order, etc.). In other words, have a video where Bree talks to the camera about growing up in The Hymn of One (like, talk about what she was taught, what they believe) followed by a video of them traveling, finding more clues about who this new girl may be, or connecting some dots. I think you think this is what you're doing, but it's all Bree speaking in vagueries and telling us things we already figured out months ago...then the TAAG playing with cacti and shopping carts. Meanwhile, I know about as much about her religion and upbringing as I did in October...hmm.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 11:43 am
by longlostposter
Hippie wrote:LONGLOSTPOSTER THANK YOU FOR STAYING!! wow, i now pay attention to who posts what partly because of kellylen and you.... oh yeah i have a fondness for wisigirl's comments too... and to think i have to edit this to give a damn Lurker my credits too... crazy i tell you
You are very welcome, Hippie, and thank you for caring. It's nice to know that I would be missed. I stayed because I was flooded with requests by people I very much respect and care about on this forum to do so, and it was so nice to feel appreciated and loved. Thank you to all of you who let it be known that my presence here was of importance to you.

Many very good points in the posts following mine, and I will be back to point them out. Right now, I am busy fighting over

Everyone here is so very intelligent. It's a joy to be a part of a community of higher thinking minds.

Be back soon to comment on a few things.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 12:23 pm
by Lurker
Hippie wrote:I tend to ramble, but you, are spot on!! besides I will argue the fact that if the creators (arguably US) wanted to keep us as the designers to the whole breeniverse, julie would be gone, or at the least minimized... i dont think it would be too hard to switch taylor and julie around, though the timeline for doing so seems to be shrinking...

I just think the creators have gotten too rigid in their writing to take certain things into their mindset when it pertains to things they want to happen... IT ISNT THEIR WANTS... this is by us for us... im sick of people making up crap to defend that which we created and has dictatorized for the past month or so... i just dont see input being shi* right now... my opinion, and everyone elses seems near null and void...
That's taking it too far, Hippie. This is the Creators' creation. I'm sure we've influenced some things and given them a few ideas, but they said months ago that LG15 is not a "choose your own adventure" series. They never wanted us to be the designers, and I honestly don't think we should be.

When they tried taking what we were saying into account too much (a fairly big split between "More cutesie vids!" demands and "It's time for Bree to grow the f**k up!" demands), we got that horrifying Motel Saga where absolutely dick happened for weeks. That actually led to many of us telling them to stick more to their own vision and to not worry about pleasing every little request.

Though we're not asking them to please little requests here (most of these are damn big), this is still their story to tell, and it's not by us for us (those who have donated money fall into a somewhat different camp, obviously, but you get what I'm saying I hope). Sure, they have nothing without us, but that's true of every media item. LG15 is not unique in that respect. They do owe their fans something, sure; we're owed the same consideration and respect that every artist owes those responsible for their success, absolutely.

But that doesn't mean they owe us control of their work. The producers of "Lost" and "CSI" aren't basing each installment on the whims of the majority of viewers (though that might not be a bad idea in the case of "Lost"), and those have been infinitely more profitable ventures. Until we're the ones cutting the cheques that fund a large portion of production costs (and we certainly aren't guiding the plot), I don't see how it can be said that this is by us for us, nor do I think it's fair to say that this isn't about their wants at all.

I've got my gripes with them, but I completely disagree with all that.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 1:43 pm
by Gonzo308
consideration wrote:I believe Bree said something like:
"It's like a full time job without any pay or any hope for advancement."

Something like that.
Well thats art, though.
I know lots of actors (since I used to work backstage in theatres) and unless they get into movies or touring shows or pretty high class theatre, they expect to do make their art with no money or no hope for advancement.

They do it cuz they love it and they're good at it.

If money is an issue, then they should do seasons, which I know takes the reality away, but it would allow the actors and crew and producers to make some money so they can eat, and then make better vids.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 1:58 pm
by Sami
... smart move having Jessica post a comment, creatros

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 2:40 pm
by Kasdeja
Gonzo308 wrote:
consideration wrote:I believe Bree said something like:
"It's like a full time job without any pay or any hope for advancement."

Something like that.
Well thats art, though.
I know lots of actors (since I used to work backstage in theatres) and unless they get into movies or touring shows or pretty high class theatre, they expect to do make their art with no money or no hope for advancement.

They do it cuz they love it and they're good at it.

If money is an issue, then they should do seasons, which I know takes the reality away, but it would allow the actors and crew and producers to make some money so they can eat, and then make better vids.
Exactly! That's art. I was so giddy when I made $150 to do 25 performances of a bland dinner theatre play.