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Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 6:31 pm
by martha
I just don't like Jack. He's just gotten too cocky.

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 7:04 pm
by PolkadotConfederation
Jack needs bunny therapy pronto.

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 7:27 pm
by Mirage
Jack needs a smack upside the head, courtesy of Sayid. :lol:

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 7:30 pm
by PolkadotConfederation always say the greatest things! :lol: :wink:

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 7:40 pm
by Mirage
*blush* Aww, thanks...though it just might be the wine talking. :smt030

I really hope that Kate reveals to everyone that Jack was working WITH THE EVILBADHORRIBLE OTHERS to get off (not like that! well, maybe Juliet....and Ben ;)) the island. Heck, I know Sayid aint pleased that Jack's been gone for a while and when he finally does come back he goes right back into the caveman "do as I say" role AND brings along an Other for the ride. So hopefully the rest of the Losties will agree that this dude has some pretty big balls if he thinks he can just slide back into the Island Leader role after all he's done.

Sayid vs. Jack would equal pure awesomnisity in my book.

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 10:02 pm
by Mirage

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 11:01 pm
by martha
What a good episode. I actually like Juliet more after that. Is next week's flashback the Dharma one?

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 8:46 am
by PolkadotConfederation
I really loved Juliet the whole way through, but I can't believe the ending! :cry: I can't believe I actually trusted her.

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 9:59 am
by Leaven
I don't understand why they want the audience to hate Jack. Any ideas? Other than that I thought it was a great episode. I kept waiting for Sayid to pull out the torture scrunchie, but no he 'doesn't do that' anymore.

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 11:57 am
by Mirage
Leaven wrote: I kept waiting for Sayid to pull out the torture scrunchie, but no he 'doesn't do that' anymore.
LMAO!!! :smt005

Besides seeing a naked Goodwin (yuck), this was a really good episode. I might even go as far to say my favorite of the season so far. I'm glad other people were on the trust Juliet (who is a ninja) train, because I was as well and was also very shocked with the ending. However, my BF was like, "duh", and made me feel like an idiot. So..nyah! Though--is Juliet (who is a ninja) mindfucking Jack (I hope so knock his ass down a peg, girl!) or is she countermindfucking Ben? After him lying to her about the 6 months thing AND the sister w/kiddie thing, I would like to think that she wouldn't just become his mindless drone, that she would realize that uhm, hello, he's prolly never gonna let you leave.

Ben=Magnificent Bastard
Ethan=El Creepo

I LOVE these guys. Sign me up for the Dharma Initiative!

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 12:02 pm
by Cuddlebunni
Okay so my cable was still a pile of shite last nite, so I didnt get to watch the episode. Will catch in online tonite.

But, I wanted to point out that I am lmao at mirageys last post.

Insert (who is a ninja) after every juliet.... BUAHAHA

Miragey is a genious who makes me giggle. That is all.

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 12:05 pm
by Mirage
I think at this point my all time favourite clip in Lost (excepting, of course, various half nakey shots of Sawyer, Jin, and Sayid) will be Juliet (who is a ninja) body slamming Kate (who is so NOT a ninja) onto the concrete floor. I almost cried in gratitude. :lol:

Edit: I forgot something. The scene with Jack sitting with Juliet on the beach seemed to be an almost exact throwback to the same scene with him sitting on the beach with Ana Lucia. Does it almost seem like Juliet has taken the place of her--Ana kills Shannon, Main Losties don't know what to think of her, she is kinda outsidered (at first, atleast)...and that's not even adding the whole "love quadrangle" thing that they had with Sawyer/Jack/Kate/Ana. Make sense at all?

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 10:48 pm
by Leaven
After him lying to her about the 6 months thing AND the sister w/kiddie thing, I would like to think that she wouldn't just become his mindless drone, that she would realize that uhm, hello, he's prolly never gonna let you leave.

Unless she is just grateful that he had her sisters cancer 'cured'?

The Juliette/AnaLucia thing makes sense to me. She is totally filling that same role right now. I think I am the only person who actually liked Ana.

Oh I forgot to mention before...does anybody have any ideas whats going to happen in a week? Cos Ben told Juliette 'See you next week?' WHy would they only want her to infiltrate for a week?

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 6:15 pm
by Mirage
Leaven wrote:
Unless she is just grateful that he had her sisters cancer 'cured'?
True...I don't know if the acting is on purpose, but I cant tell one way or the other. I know *I* would be more pissed that he lied about the time I was there AND not letting me leave than grateful at the cancer thing. Then again, I don't have a sister who's cancer was cured, so I probably can't relate.
Juliette/AnaLucia thing makes sense to me. She is totally filling that same role right now. I think I am the only person who actually liked Ana.
*raises hand* LOVED Ana over here. Funny enough, I was kinda "meh" to Michelle Rodriguez in RL, but Ana Lucia was pretty dang awesome. I never really "shipped" in Lost, except for Ana/Sawyer, which was probably one of the sexiest scenes ever. I liked how she was a loner and did something extremely shocking and horrible but it didn't turn her into a "martyr" type character...if you understand. She was sorry and asked for forgiveness, but she didn't go around kissing everyone's ass. Not to mention she was totally hot AND totally bad ass.
Oh I forgot to mention before...does anybody have any ideas whats going to happen in a week? Cos Ben told Juliette 'See you next week?' WHy would they only want her to infiltrate for a week?
Long enough to kill Charlie? [-o< Hey, a girl can dream!

I don't know if this was an E! Online thing, or the promo for next week, but didn't I hear something about the Losties and Others "battling", or "going to war", or the like? I wonder if it's related, and that's specifically why they left and came back--Juliet (who is a ninja) is a plant who uses the Claire sickness thing to gain everyone's trust and find out the weak spots of the camp? *shrug*

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 6:23 pm
by Leaven
Ooooh makes sense!

*high fives Mirage for the Ana love*