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Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 10:38 am
by AutoPilate
LikkleSister wrote:Another interesting fact - pinched from our ol' friend Mr. Duquette: when the supreme name of the Lord - YHVH - is complemented with the letter Shin or Sh, standing for life or breath, it becomes YHShVH. So, the Lord, given breath and life becomes... Jeeeeesuuuus
Interesting that this aspect wasn't discussed more. It's rather similar to the anthropomorphized YHWH, "Yosher", that lives in the drop of venom (TzMTzM) of the fang of the ouroboros/Leviathan:
I'm uncertain of the significance of the spiders, although some people speculate that they weave the flesh of Leviathan.
Judas hung himself from a tree.
Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 11:37 am
by Kasdeja
Aw, I need to get my JCS production pics up where I, an evil temptress, gave Judas the noose!
Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 11:43 am
by sororyzbl
Kasdeja wrote:Aw, I need to get my JCS production pics up where I, an evil temptress, gave Judas the noose!
Good noose or bad noose?
Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 11:43 am
by Kasdeja
sororyzbl wrote:Kasdeja wrote:Aw, I need to get my JCS production pics up where I, an evil temptress, gave Judas the noose!
Good noose or bad noose?
Suicide noose
Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 11:55 am
by AutoPilate
Ugh, puns.
A cube has eight corners
A spider has eight legs
The fan has five blades
Re: Satanic references in the occult not so satanic
Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 6:57 pm
by alexandre
tannhaus wrote:Ok, I'll start off the list. I thought it might be cool since we can all agree Bree's religion is occultic to blow up some misconceptions concerning the occult. So, I'll start off a few and we can all discuss and add others.
1. 666
This one is actually misunderstood by most. It comes from a verse in Revelations in the Bible that says:
Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
In ancient Hebrew, they didn't use numbers. Each letter had a number associated with it. So, if you wanted to write a specific number, you just wrote the letters and people read them as a number. One side effect to this is that you could add up the letters and come up with a number for a word or for a name.
In hebrew gemetria, which deals with this practice, words that enumerate to the same number are related in some way. Gemetria is a practice devoted to finding these relations and discovering deeper meanings in text. It, of course, influenced Revelations and most of the Bible.
By taking it out of historical and hebrew context, we don't understand the significance. However, by placing it into context, we see that every name literally has a number. Now, it was a practice by jews when they spoke out against a figure in the ruling roman party to use the number of his name instead of his actual name. Using his name might land you in prison. Using his number meant only those that also knew gemetria understood you. So, it might be quite notable that the Caesar for the time had a name that enumerated to 666.
the book of revelations can also be interpreted as a political commentary. The numbers 666 a
s well as 616 translate into "NERO" as their letter form...perhaps stating their unhappiness with Nero's reign at the time...?
Just a little something I watched in a documentary.
Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 6:23 am
by AutoPilate
The whole Hebrew angle can overshadow needlessly; didn't John of Patmos write in Greek?
Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 5:05 pm
by Nora Volkova
Most apocalyptic literature of the early First Millennium consisted of political allegory about how the in-group was gonna someday get their own back on the Evil Current Oppressors, so as you've pointed out, there's no literary reason to assume that the Revelation of John of Patmos was intended to be anything else.
Although the anonymous author(s) of John wrote in Greek, I believe he would still have been doing gematria in Hebrew. I'm pretty sure the Aramaic speakers used Hebrew for their gematria?
One can liken the Revelation to the Ghost Dance of American history, except that around this period several factions of the Jews and early Christians didn't have much of a taste for stirring up active rebellion.
Enochian and the Left Hand
Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 11:12 pm
by bumboo
I've been digging around reading alot about the occult so I thought I'd make a comment and ask a few questions. It seems to me that Bree and her family are not practicing Thelema although they may believe it to be. It looks like a cult to me. Whether it involves Satanism or some other derivative religion is up to interpretation. It reminds me of an article about the Solar Lodge scandal and the connection to Manson. Although I was creeped out, I kept reading because the LG15 story is a good one. I think the crux of this mystery is finding out more about her derivative religious cult.
To move forward I'd like to know the following:
In some Thelemic groups is Enochian banned? One post mentioned that the language was used for summoning angels. Is it also used for summoning demons?
Could you describe the practice of banishing and why it is done?
Could Bree in anyway damage her karma for saying or doing the wrong thing during the ceremony?
Is Bree's family is following a left hand path religion similar to Setianism?
Re: Enochian and the Left Hand
Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 11:23 am
by maxomai
bumboo wrote:I've been digging around reading alot about the occult so I thought I'd make a comment and ask a few questions. It seems to me that Bree and her family are not practicing Thelema although they may believe it to be. It looks like a cult to me. Whether it involves Satanism or some other derivative religion is up to interpretation. It reminds me of an article about the Solar Lodge scandal and the connection to Manson. Although I was creeped out, I kept reading because the LG15 story is a good one. I think the crux of this mystery is finding out more about her derivative religious cult.
Well, such things are really better left to the authors of the series, but it's fun to speculate, isn't it?
To move forward I'd like to know the following:
bumboo wrote:In some Thelemic groups is Enochian banned? One post mentioned that the language was used for summoning angels. Is it also used for summoning demons?
I'd be surprised if any Thelemic group banned Enochian or any other magickal practice. John Dee listed cacodemons that one could summon with Enochian, and he probably had good reason for believing it could be used this way.
bumboo wrote:Could you describe the practice of banishing and why it is done?
Banishing is a ritual act of setting and clearing the temple. The idea is to send away any demonic forces and then to "fill the vacuum" by bringing in other, presumably more friendly or more helpful, spiritual forces. The practice can be done in any language with which the magician is familiar.
Some examples of banishing rituals:
Wiccan rite of Casting the Circle
The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram
The Star Ruby
Liber Israfel
bumboo wrote:Could Bree in anyway damage her karma for saying or doing the wrong thing during the ceremony?
Yes, and so could any of the other participants. The more power, the more danger. (Prepare, prepare, prepare. Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse.)
bumboo wrote:Is Bree's family is following a left hand path religion similar to Setianism?
Beats the heck out of me.
Hope this helps.
Re: Enochian and the Left Hand
Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 10:05 am
by storyteller
maxomai wrote:
bumboo wrote:Could Bree in anyway damage her karma for saying or doing the wrong thing during the ceremony?
Yes, and so could any of the other participants. The more power, the more danger. (Prepare, prepare, prepare. Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse.)
Wouldn't it stand to reason that forcing Bree to
perform a ceremony could be "dangerous"? Unless she doesn't actually have an active role in the ceremony?
Re: Enochian and the Left Hand
Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 10:45 am
by maxomai
storyteller wrote:maxomai wrote:
bumboo wrote:Could Bree in anyway damage her karma for saying or doing the wrong thing during the ceremony?
Yes, and so could any of the other participants. The more power, the more danger. (Prepare, prepare, prepare. Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse.)
Wouldn't it stand to reason that forcing Bree to
perform a ceremony could be "dangerous"? Unless she doesn't actually have an active role in the ceremony?
Well, yeah. That would be immensely dangerous. You'd have too be mad to even attempt it.
The key word there, however, is FORCE. If Bree is a willing participant (and there's every indication that she was until recently), then the chief danger is the participnt's own ignorance. An experienced initiator in a secret tradition knows how to mitigate that risk.
Re: Enochian and the Left Hand
Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 12:23 pm
by storyteller
maxomai wrote:Well, yeah. That would be immensely dangerous. You'd have too be mad to even attempt it.
The key word there, however, is FORCE. If Bree is a willing participant (and there's every indication that she was until recently), then the chief danger is the participnt's own ignorance. An experienced initiator in a secret tradition knows how to mitigate that risk.
if, as everyone seems to want to believe, Bree were forced to be a part of the ceremony in some way, what role
could she play that wouldn't be in any way dangerous? I don't think anyone is going to sacrifice Bree or force her to carry a demon seed, but the tension in the story obviously points to the ceremony in some way. Any thoughts on what her role could be if the assumptions are right?
Re: Enochian and the Left Hand
Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 12:32 pm
by storyteller
maxomai wrote:Well, yeah. That would be immensely dangerous. You'd have too be mad to even attempt it.
The key word there, however, is FORCE. If Bree is a willing participant (and there's every indication that she was until recently), then the chief danger is the participnt's own ignorance. An experienced initiator in a secret tradition knows how to mitigate that risk.
if, as everyone seems to want to believe, Bree were forced to be a part of the ceremony in some way, what role
could she play that wouldn't be in any way dangerous? I don't think anyone is going to sacrifice Bree or force her to carry a demon seed, but the tension in the story obviously points to the ceremony in some way. Any thoughts on what her role could be if the assumptions are right?
Re: Enochian and the Left Hand
Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 12:35 pm
by storyteller
maxomai wrote:Well, yeah. That would be immensely dangerous. You'd have too be mad to even attempt it.
The key word there, however, is FORCE. If Bree is a willing participant (and there's every indication that she was until recently), then the chief danger is the participnt's own ignorance. An experienced initiator in a secret tradition knows how to mitigate that risk.
if, as everyone seems to want to believe, Bree were forced to be a part of the ceremony in some way, what role
could she play that wouldn't be in any way dangerous? I don't think anyone is going to sacrifice Bree or force her to carry a demon seed, but the tension in the story obviously points to the ceremony in some way. Any thoughts on what her role could be if the assumptions are right?