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Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 6:38 pm
by blessedsophia
tigerlilylynn wrote:
ladron121 wrote:So on the SD card was a file, when opened with winrar was 5 pictures and a file marked GRIGORI. Open GRIGORI with notepad and you get the phrase
ACT TWO WHET HARSH ESCHEW, which is an anagram. It anagrams into:
WHO WATCHES THE WATCHERS. The pics have default file names assigned by a digital camera. They have all been looked over by acid, no hidden codes.

Grigori (the text file name) are the fallen angels from the book of Enoch. They are also known as watchers which is a clue to the anagram.
If anything they're sort of a Promethius figure--their only real sin is being persuaded by their lust and bringing civilization to humans.

The inclusion of the leader as a fallen angel, though, might be an interesting jab at Op...

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 6:39 pm
by Scalare
Background info on "Who Watches the Watchers?" ... ustodes%3F

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 6:52 pm
by covedweller
Jengels2002 wrote:OK, so the drop was found. Now what? Is there anything to do?

Tach seems to be dropping totally useless things.
Dude, are you on crack?

This is pretty major. It backs up the last drop, it also tells us how Tach and Op fit into the LG15 continuity.

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 6:54 pm
by Jengels2002
covedweller wrote:
Jengels2002 wrote:OK, so the drop was found. Now what? Is there anything to do?

Tach seems to be dropping totally useless things.
Dude, are you on crack?

This is pretty major. It backs up the last drop, it also tells us how Tach and Op fit into the LG15 continuity.
Well...can you fill some of us in who just logged on? It is difficult to go back and understand the forums since there is no continuity between the forums and IRC.

As far as I know, (and others who have pm'd me) Land has found:
1. a book
2. SD card
3. postcard

I have seen the pictures. What else is there?

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 6:58 pm
by covedweller
The pics give a clear tie between OpAphid and Lucy/The Order (plus the canon status of this).

Tachyon's note in the book alludes to "a move" that suggests she might have something to do with that family Gemma mentioned.

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 7:00 pm
by Jengels2002
covedweller wrote:The pics give a clear tie between OpAphid and Lucy/The Order (plus the canon status of this).

Tachyon's note in the book alludes to "a move" that suggests she might have something to do with that family Gemma mentioned.

one more question....Where is the pic of the note in the book?

First I heard about that.

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 7:02 pm
by covedweller
Jengels2002 wrote:
covedweller wrote:The pics give a clear tie between OpAphid and Lucy/The Order (plus the canon status of this).

Tachyon's note in the book alludes to "a move" that suggests she might have something to do with that family Gemma mentioned.

one more question....Where is the pic of the note in the book?

First I heard about that.
page 2 of this thread: ... Postit.JPG

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 7:28 pm
by Jengels2002
covedweller wrote:
Jengels2002 wrote:
covedweller wrote:The pics give a clear tie between OpAphid and Lucy/The Order (plus the canon status of this).

Tachyon's note in the book alludes to "a move" that suggests she might have something to do with that family Gemma mentioned.

one more question....Where is the pic of the note in the book?

First I heard about that.
page 2 of this thread: ... Postit.JPG
Once again, thanks!

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 7:28 pm
by covedweller
we need a SHOW YOUR WORK thread. :lol:

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 7:34 pm
by Jengels2002
I agree, like I said before...there is no continuity between the IRC Channels and the Forum.

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 7:43 pm
by covedweller
Agreed. I love these videos and like to follow the ARG. I don't have time to contribute more (like a lot of other people with obligations we can't shake).

I think it is part of what has given OpAphid this elitist vibe. The IRC people occasionally dominate and do not update or maintain the forums.

We appreciate it when they do fill us in so that we can enjoy it.

Plus you have to imagine that the OpAphid/Tachyon/LG15 puppetmasters appreciate it, because lurkers are probably 90% of the potential audience of this sort of thing!

Probably gonna be more of us now too, since LG15 and Op/T are interweaving it seems.

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 7:48 pm
by Scalare
Err.. we've been asking "Has this been updated on the forums?" all the time in the chat, and Ivé personally seen to it that a clue or something didn't arrive at the forum too late. Are you imagining things, or are you confused that not everything is there in a cookie-cutter format which you can read from beginning to the end? :)

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 7:51 pm
by covedweller
The moderators in this forum section seems to have abandoned us.

We haven't had the stickies change since the first drop. HELP!

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 7:57 pm
by tiltingwindward
OKAY. Here's what we know and how we discovered it (as I understand it). I wasn't there for all the decoding, so if I get some details wrong, please tell me so (nicely?) and correct me here.

Lad and Luv recovered the following items from the drop: A postcard with a note on the back; another SD card; a book with a post-in note inside. Here we go...

The Postcard Clue:
57 41 49 54 49 4e 47 46 4f 52 2e 2e 2e

This decoded to


We don't know anything about the meaning of this at this time.

The SD Card:

The Sd card contained a 17MB winrar file entitled
54 41 4B 45 20 57 41 52 4E 49 4E 47

which was in hex and decoded to

which is the title of a song by a band called Operation Ivy.

The file was password protected. The password ended up being GPS, which you may remember from other puzzles. Inside the winrar file was a textfile entitled Grigori which contained the anagram


which anagrams to

which is a famous Latin quote from Juvenal's Satires (original quote: Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?).

The winrar file also contained five pictures (displayed elsewhere), all of which appear to be Daniel spying on the fake ceremony. Two of the pictures match the two pictures Daniel looks at on Lucy's computer in "Following the Helper," although the pics Daniel looks at may be cropped versions of the ones in the winrar file. The other three pictures are also of Daniel, but they appear nowhere in the "Following the Helper" video.

The file name Grigori appears to be a reference to the mythical Grigori, who are angels that disobeyed God's commands in Genesis by marrying mortal women. Their offspring were the Nephilim. More details are elsewhere.

This is all we know about the SD file at this time.

The Book:

The book was entitled "Nancy Drew's Guide to Life." Within it was a pink post-it note reading:
My father gave me all of these when I was a little girl, but they got left behind when we moved. The knowledge has always served me well, so I thought this might teach you a thing or two.
Certain passages in the book were marked with various kinds of notation. Luv has kindly transcribed all of that here: ... c&start=45

At this time, this is all we know about the book.

I hope this clears things up.

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 8:03 pm
by Danielle
Scalare wrote:Err.. we've been asking "Has this been updated on the forums?" all the time in the chat, and Ivé personally seen to it that a clue or something didn't arrive at the forum too late. Are you imagining things, or are you confused that not everything is there in a cookie-cutter format which you can read from beginning to the end? :)

its not hard to join, and we won't shun you either.
we arn't all that.
we promise.