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Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 1:58 pm
by Ziola
ixlr8 wrote:
Ziola wrote:I can't get into the chat, but looking at the first page of this thread, something stands out to me.

We didn't put both the letter and the number combination in for the match, just one or the other.

Do we need both of them?
We're supposed to see a pattern to it, which will help us figure out what to do. Maybe we should start working on the pattern.

I get that, but I don't have the quote/scene letter with the movie letter/number for a couple of them. I'd like to know what they are.

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 1:58 pm
by FallingIntoSin
FallingIntoSin wrote:
deagol wrote:
FallingIntoSin wrote:
Beautiful Nightmare wrote:I can't get a copy of The Sure Thing. I just checked all the video stores near me and can't find a single one that has it. Grrrrrrr
I own the sure thing, I've watched it 5 times now, no clocks.
Well, the reference is r: Shortly after the final shotgun. Kids doing beer shotguns, not the weapon. There should be some mention of time, and it's supposed to be 40 minutes past the hour.
I didn't pay much attention to the first shotgun scene, only the second...I'll go rewatch the first shotgun again.
Alright, the only times I could find is bit after the first shotgun scene when he finds out it's 9 minutes to 8am and he's late to class. In the final shotgun scene the girl says "it's almost midnight".

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 2:03 pm
by Ziola
This is what I am getting at. Using the time pattern, shouldn't we be using both of the letters/numbers, not just one?

Instead of C64FB2835D7A91E

shouldn't it be: Cx6t4?FoBu8w3?5mDr7nA?9q1sEl

The question marks are for the combinations that I don't know which quote they are using.

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 2:09 pm
by Beautiful Nightmare
oh, ziola, I see what you're saying.


Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 2:10 pm
by Ziola

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 2:11 pm
by banausos

haven't we pretty much decided that we have those quesses worked out? (even though i know nothing is right until tach says it is.)

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 2:15 pm
by Beautiful Nightmare
banusos, that's what I get too. I'll try it on the file.

Does anyone recognize if it might be some type of code?

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 2:23 pm
by Ziola
Here's my next question for you all to ponder....As I've said before, I only have confirmation of 10 (11 if you count the shotgun email to someone else) combinations. If we are sure that we have the combinations correct, are we sure that we have the times correct?

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 2:25 pm
by tigerlilylynn
Ziola wrote:Here's my next question for you all to ponder....As I've said before, I only have confirmation of 10 (11 if you count the shotgun email to someone else) combinations. If we are sure that we have the combinations correct, are we sure that we have the times correct?
We got a ton of individual verification yesterday. Check the main post for the match rationale

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 2:31 pm
by Ziola
tigerlilylynn wrote:
Ziola wrote:Here's my next question for you all to ponder....As I've said before, I only have confirmation of 10 (11 if you count the shotgun email to someone else) combinations. If we are sure that we have the combinations correct, are we sure that we have the times correct?
We got a ton of individual verification yesterday. Check the main post for the match rationale
Holy Crap!! I know that, what I'm wondering is if we put them in the right order! As far as I know, she has not confirmed that we have them in the right order. Thats what I am wondering...

Edit: Cuz that seemed bitchier then it was supposed to.

AND because on the main post, you only have 8 confirmed by Tachyon. That is why I am asking if we are 100% sure of the combinations and the order they are in.

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 2:51 pm
by banausos
maybe the order should be reversed? from 60 to 4? or maybe 60 doesn't matter at all... "spare the hours" and all.

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 3:19 pm
by alysaface
banausos wrote:maybe the order should be reversed? from 60 to 4? or maybe 60 doesn't matter at all... "spare the hours" and all.
OMGZ wayyy off topic but your siggy made me LOL very very hard.



Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 8:22 pm
by Talezine
You know, I cannot believe that this did not occur to me earlier! This puzzle may not be as hard as we are making it out. However, if my friend's thoughts are correct, we need ONE piece to crack this code.

Utilizing the clock, this code could be a simple "round the circle" cypher. That is, you start at a specific point and go around the circle every so many letters/numbers. This pattern is continued until the next letter (example...start at a, go every so many letters. When you hit B, its a new word, and start again...etc).

If this is correct, we need ONE thing. Where do we start, and how many numbers do you skip to create the words?

My friend says this is a VERY simple type of puzzle, that is used with more difficult codes to jumble the phrases even more.

Can someone give this a try! Does anyone have any idea where we could start?



Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 12:59 am
by wstabeo
Talezine wrote:If this is correct, we need ONE thing. Where do we start, and how many numbers do you skip to create the words?
at 0:56?

TACHYON VIDEO, [i]Gemma? [Part I][/i] wrote:The hard part can be recalling the exact spot though... and sometimes the connection that makes it all click will just pop into your head randomly (say, at 4 minutes to the hour, perhaps). So long as you're certain, the end result of this process is often quite rewarding.