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Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 9:43 am
by Scalare
Okay, so the drop in tachy's vid was recovered.
<Alexis9> yep its found.. 3 items... postcard
<Alexis9> and
<Alexis9> memory card
<Alexis9> and
<arch_zZzZ> [03:44] <horcruxes> 1. post card (blue sky with clouds) by art unlimited amsterdam AGAIN 2.
<arch_zZzZ> 03:45] <horcruxes> on the back there is a series of numbers, with letter. maybe HEX or DESCII
<Alexis9> a book
<Alexis9> with a secret post it note in it
<acidfingers> when I told her about the nancy drew book she was like "that's weird"
<Jewelybug> guide to life
<Alexis9> guide to life i think
ladron121 wrote:Date: 11/12/06
Time: 6:30am pst

Just got home, I have the SD Card, Luv has the rest. I have still photos and video of the drop recovery and us opening it. Those will not be posted until i get some sleep, seeing as I'm working on hour 25 of continuous awake time. One thing I did want to post here was the contents of the card. It is not a video or text on the surface, its a password protected .rar file. The file is 17.7mb, and its filename is:


Please decode so when I awake I can access it :)
The filename decodes to:
54 41 4B 45 20 57 41 52 4E 49 4E 47

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 10:01 am
by Killthesmiley
the book is guide to life?
Here is some short summarys of the book:
The book contains a series of quotations from Nancy grouped into various topics such as: Survival Strategies, Dating, Sleuthing 101, Wilderness Tips and Being a Lady.

Some highlights for your amusement and edification:

My absolute favorite: “Don’t force your date to go to a ballet or other activity that may not be to his liking if he was knocked unconscious earlier in the day.” –The Double Jinx Mystery

Always the good girl scout, Nancy taught us to be prepared for any occasion, “In a pinch, a vial of perfume can sterilize scissors,” or “A bright overhead light will dull an owl’s vision enough to remove it from indoors. Of course, thick gloves and quick reflexes will help.”

In regard to matters of etiquette: “If you can at all prevent it, do not chase after thieves when you are clad only in a leotard. It’s unseemly.” Or, much deeper and truer: “Don’t let fear mean more to you than your friends.”
Worick, Jennifer
Running Press Book Publishers
Worick, Jennifer
Personal Growth - General
Mystery & Detective Fiction
Children's Literature
Children's Literature - General
Edition Description:
Running Press Miniature Edition
Publication Date:
August 2001
334x280x70 15
his tiny, illustrated volume offers always-timely wisdom from the pages of the canon, such as "When bound and gagged, you can still tap out HELP in Morse code to attract attention" and "Never sleuth on an empty stomach." Indispensible. Comes with a miniature magnifying glass/bookmark.
I don't know if this helps at all... just thought it was interesting as I have the book and I have read it ... for it's camp value. lol

good work guys in finding the drop.

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 10:03 am
by Scalare
Okay, this might not mean anything, but it sure seems to.

"Take warning" is a song by "Operation Ivy".

Here are the lyrics, for those interested. ... arning.htm

Aphids are natural enemies of the Ivy plant. In fact, there's even an Ivy Aphid who preys on this plant..

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 10:11 am
by Killthesmiley
Scalare wrote:Okay, this might not mean anything, but it sure seems to.

"Take warning" is a song by "Operation Ivy".

Here are the lyrics, for those interested. ... arning.htm

Aphids are natural enemies of the Ivy plant. In fact, there's even an Ivy Aphid who preys on this plant..
I just read the lyrics. I think that was planned, not just a conicidence that there is a song called "Take warning" and it was by Operation Ivy. .. .wel obviously it was planned
Seems like a warning for OpAphid. She wanted us to find it. not brother... if what i'm thinking is correct at least.
It might not, now that I'm thinking about it. IN the video she seemed to be purposely showing us those cars that are similar to the one in "On The Run." Maybe she's been followed. Or she feels attacked.

here are the lyrics:

Operation Ivy - Take Warning Lyrics

Stand by your freinds, wrong or right

Can't call that justice when its just a stupid excuse to

Single out and attack the ones who got no defense

You call that a new way of thinking i call it regression to

Take warning

Theres a new generation coming

And we really gotta stand up to them

Nobodys got a thing against you

Unless youve got something to prove

We dont need no set of standards,

We dont need a new set of rules

Heard all that shit before

About stomping out any difference

We say stand together!

(not to fight just to exist)

Take warning

Intimidation coming

And we really gotta say no to them

Enough is enough is enough

Why dont you just ease up

I saw another beat down last nite take warning

Who's the next to hit the ground tonite take warni

reading what you said about Ivy and Aphid's, it almost seems like Tach is warning op...
she didn't want brother to find this I think.

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 10:11 am
by kristy2520
Scalare wrote:Okay, this might not mean anything, but it sure seems to.

"Take warning" is a song by "Operation Ivy".

Here are the lyrics, for those interested. ... arning.htm

Aphids are natural enemies of the Ivy plant. In fact, there's even an Ivy Aphid who preys on this plant..
Definitely seems connected. Sounds like Tachyon's just saying that OpAphid is bad and threatening in yet another way.

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 10:20 am
by Killthesmiley
So the password could be take warning...
or possibly anything to do with the song, or band (but I'm looking at the broader picture)

edit: just wondering if anyone is keeping track of the drops on google earth or a map of some sort. Just wondering if there is a patern.
I wish there was a way totell what motel Bree and Daniel were in. Maybe they are going in a similar direction Tach is going..

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 10:45 am
by Killthesmiley
Luv2luvem wrote:Ok, I just got home and am in desperate need for some sleep, but I am going to transcribe everything I have. But before I do, I would like to say to Ladron, Thank you for waiting for us to drive there, and for being so patient when we got lost, thank you! You didn't have to do that. You are a true team player.

So I will start with the postcard. Lad will post a picture of it but for now I will just post the numbers writen on it. They are in a strange cross pattern. It looks like this:

57 41 49 54 49 4e 47 46 4f 52 2e 2e 2e
Thanks Luv!

decoded using hex ...
waiting for...

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 10:50 am
by Scalare
This is the text from luv's postcard..

Code: Select all



Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 10:54 am
by Killthesmiley
Luv2luvem wrote:Now inside the dust cover of the book (which I will post about next) there was a pink post-it. It is handwriten and says:

"My father gave me all of these when I was a little girl, but they got left behind when we moved. The knowledge has always served me well, so I thought this might teach you a thing or two.


remember the video where gemma talked about the family moving and leaving everything behind?

was there a specifice page that stood out? dog eared? a quote highlighted?

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 11:40 am
by taiya
I'm not sure if this is at all related, but the origins of the name operation ivy are very interesting:

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 11:41 am
by Killthesmiley
Scalare wrote:This is the text from luv's postcard..

Code: Select all


so it says
"I am waiting for..."

and the picture on the post card is blue sky with clouds...
and the file name is Take warning, which is a song by Operation Ivy
and the book is nancy drew's guide to life...

I am waiting for...
blue skies...


nancy drew...

wakey wakey! whats the files on the memory card!!! I'm getting antsy...

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 11:43 am
by ohhhmyyygoddd
waiting for ...I M....instant message? someone message her lol

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 11:46 am
by Killthesmiley
you know...i'm just curious if anyone else is getting this feeling from the song lyrics...

but do you really think that this is THE drop...obviously it is A drop, but is it the drop for "Brother?"

I wondering this because i'm getting the feeling like she is almost sending a warning to OpAphid. Kind of a "stay back, I'm more then you think..." type message.

And if this is the case, why would she leave THAT for brother to find?

I'm just curious if I'm the only one that is getting this feeling.

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 2:22 pm
by tiltingwindward
I've read some interesting theories regarding the postcard message. But I think it means just what it says.



I think Tach is waiting for M...someone else's code name? Is she perhaps setting up a rendezvous?

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 2:28 pm
by deagol
TAKE WARNING anagrams to:

I know Op shot that down last time, something like Tach didn't have that much time in her hands. But this morning my 7-year-old nephew came to me with this little toy flashlight and showed me this secret message he had written with an invisible ink marker. I'm sure those toy kits can be bought in any dollar store. Maybe Tach does read the forums and picked up the idea here?

Does the book say anything about invisible ink? I understand parts of the book deal with sleuthing tricks.

Maybe the password for the file is written somewhere in the book or the postcard.